Chapter One

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"I'm so close," Samantha mutters to herself while leaning closer to the computer screen in front of her, her coworker Mark watches with amusement.

"So close to what?" Mark demands, causing the blonde to jump up in the air out of surprise.

"What the hell are you doing, Mark?" Samantha hisses and quickly minimizes the tabs in front of her on the computer screen.

"I should be asking you that, what's going on?" Mark demands.

"Nothing, just something for the boss," Samantha mutters while shaking her head.

"Uhm, is it your chasing the superheroes thing?" Mark groans. "I thought the boss told you to let it go."

"Let it go? Mark, how can I let it go?!" Samantha questions. "Those people have been saving us for how long and now they're just....gone? There's gotta be some explanation behind it!"

"Sam, we've talked about this." Mark sighs. "There were no superheroes and they aren't in trouble."

"I never said they were." Sam shrugs. "I'm just saying, they've all dropped off the face of the earth and it concerns me."

"Or are you just trying to find something to write about?" Mark offers.

"Mark, I'm a journalist. I can write about anything that pops into my head." Sam scoffs.

"Exactly, you're a journalist." Mark shakes his head. "This thing is calling to you, I can see it."

"You can?" Sam mumbles.

"Everyone can." Mark nods as his eyes catch their boss walking fast towards the two. "Especially the boss, twelve o'clock."

Sam quickly scoots back to her desk as Mark does the same, just as their boss stops in front of Sam's desk. "My office, now."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam mutters and shares a look with Mark before quickly following the woman through the maze of desks and to her office. "Miss. Scott, how can I help you?"

"I've been going through your browser history," Maria replies while casually typing away at her computer. "Researching for the missing heroes? I thought that we talked about this Miss. Mills."

"Yes, I know Miss. Scott. But you don't understand how close I actually am! I could be on the verge of finding out why our heroes left us! Where they are now and so much more, if you'd just give me the chance, I'm sure that I'll find them!" Sam begs. "Please, have I ever let you down before?"

"You story on the burgers down the street was a letdown." Maria shrugs.

"That was my first ever story," Sam argues. "When I was still a beginner."

"Uhm," Maria mumbles with a small roll of her eyes. "I've warned you before and this is the last time."

"Miss. Scott." Sam sighs. "Please just try to understand, I'm trying to help mankind figure-"

"Miss. Mills! You are on mandatory leave until you get your head on straight and your goals together." Maria interrupts in anger. "And if you cannot figure it out by the end of the week, you're fired. This is your last chance."

"Miss. Scott, please don't do this." Sam begs.

"Get out of my office Miss. Mills. I will see you at the end of the week." Maria mumbles under her breath, Sam sighs and lets out a groan before quickly walking out of the office. Her anger shows in on her expression as she storms back to her desk. Quickly she grabs her laptop and packs it into her bag, along with all her other necessities that belonged to her.

"What happened? She fire you?" Mark demands.

"I'm on mandatory leave because I can't 'get my head on straight'," Sam grumbles in anger.

"Woah, you finally cracked the boss." Mark chuckles.

"Shut up." Sam seethes.

"What are you going to do?" Mark questions.

"I'm going to stick it to her and show her that I can find them."

"Oh great, don't get arrested!"

Sam ignores her coworker's comment and walks to the elevator to lead her out of the building, her new confident demeanor showing through with expression and posture.

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