Chapter 17

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Hermione POV

"What good is a victory over the dark arts if this generation is breed to be violent?" Harry explained. "I don't know If they're breed that way, though. Could just be how they are being taught Defense at school." I playfully argued, enjoying the last of my wine.

"True, but do you see now why I feel we need you? "

"Yeah, I see your point, and I've already said I would, you know." I roll my eyes at the boastful smile that spread across his face.

"And you've more than impressed those dunderheads today, they were all starry-eyed, as you ripped through the course. I'm glad they made the trainees show up today, think it did them some good."

"Will you please stop making me feel self-conscious, already! It was enough, that we were in front of the camera all day. " I groaned, making him smile as he gets up to go to the kitchen to grab us some pretzels and more wine.

"Those trainees are a mess though. They're all over the place, and they're always tired!" He explained, on his return from the kitchen. He laughs, recalling something, "oooeee and they tend to aim at the worst places, like one of the best trainees in this years class, Jacob Adderly, he's always aiming spells at peoples heads."

"Their heads!" I squealed with amusement and slight panic, "That's really bad, someone could end up blind before they even enter the field."

"Exactly! Although, he may be one of our most promising and more knowledgeable trainees, he's aim is still a bit off, so he mostly scrapes their earlobes or scares their cheeks. He did take off a girls ponytail on his first day, boy was that a disaster!" Harry billowed, his laughter filling the room.

"He did not!" I says,shocked at the ridiculousness of it all. Harry just nods his head as he laughs at the memory.

"That girl was livid, even went to Blunt for some counseling. It did result into all the trainees coming back the next day with their hair cut short, nobody wanted to risk it." We both just laughed as Harry continues to elaborate on that day.

"As much of a mess my hair is, I think I'd like to keep it." I chuckled.

"Well hair is one thing, but let me tell you what happens the last week before classes were put on hold. One of my favourite trainees, Janey Willows, I know I'm not suppose to have favourites but she works hard and she's focused. Anyway, she does well and is one of the few that doesn't lead with the most vicious attacks,until she's warm you up to it. However, the girl can be cruel with where she aims. She nearly castrated a guy the other day, hitting him with a stunner in his pelvic area."


"Ouch indeed, there was blood every where. The medi-wizard had to sedate him just so he'll stop screaming. I mean, who does that? "

"Did they manage to save him from an early castration?"

"Well, yes of course, but it was still wildly traumatic. He's 18, he could've lost his ability to have kids one day. Most of the class was shaken up, had to send them all home for the day. "

"I can only imagine. They must've been glad it wasn't one of them."

"Never mind them, I duel with these trainees from time to time." He says with a look of horror on his face that made me want to laugh. I imagine he was rather grateful he got to go home with his member intact, that day as well.

"And this girl is supposedly one of your favorites?" I say not able to hold back the giggles now. "What are you laughing at? You think the idea of me loosing my penis to a duel with a trainee, is amusing? I'm the last Potter in my family line, that's a lot of pressure on my little swimmers. Can't have them blown off just yet." Now we're both laughing again, maybe its the wine combined with the exhaustion of the day but everything is starting to sound funny to me.

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"Well can you imagine the headline, Harry. Chosen one's, 'wand' snapped by an 18year old trainee. Or wait, Potter-blood line ends in a tragic training exercise."

"Thanks, and here I thought my best friend cared about my well being."

"I'm sorry Harry, really. I'm glad you all got to keep your genitals that day. What happened to the girl though? "

" Well it was just a stunner so its not against the law to use at training, she did get reprimanded though, because he was injured in a serious way. Blunt and I also had to talk to her about why it is not advised to aim at those areas as well as a few others, I mean we had to lecture Adderly on this as well. Blunt even had a presentation for us on cases where people had been severely injured due to being hit in the groin, it was not pretty. Went home that day and took a moment to just appreciate my manhood and the fact it hadn't been blown off in battle over the years. You know those death eaters were a spiteful bunch."

Still laughing I let my mind wonder for a brief moment just how that had gone down. What did, a moment to appreciate his manhood, entail? Was he touching himself? Damn I'd like to...wait what am I thinking! I need to stop doing this.

"Mione! Looks like you spaced out there for a moment. " his voice brought me back to reality. "Oh, sorry. What were you saying?"

"Just that, we have a lot to be grateful for."

"That's true. Anyway, I think I should be getting home, I'm basically falling asleep with my eyes open."

"You can always stay over you know. Unlike at your place I can offer you a room, not just a mattress on the floor." He says teasingly. Or maybe its just my drunken mind wanting to make everything sound that way. "No its okay, Harry. I think I'll just go home to my own bed. Maybe another time, then we can talk till dawn, Im sure I'll be out as soon as my head hits the pillows." I say, and notice a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"If you say so, its okay. See you soon then. And call or owl or something tomorrow just so I know you got home okay."

"Will do" I say and with some last good nights I apparate back to my flat.


Harry POV

'What the hell was that about' I caste myself. I can't believe I was even thinking that. Good thing she decided to go home. For a moment there, I wanted to tell her that I don't mind if she just fall asleep straight away as long as she stays. What is with me?

She's just your friend, best friend yes, but nothing more. If she wants to go home, you have to let her.

Dammit I bet she wanted to leave cause you wouldn't stop talking about your dick the whole time! What was I thinking? I could see she was a bit bothered by it after I had said that. I'm the worst friend, ever. "Appreciate my manhood" She must think I'm such a perv. What is wrong with me? I must've had too much wine.

That's it, I'm done with drinking, its just turning me into a crazy perv that's creeping on his best friend.

I decide to take a shower and go to bed. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning.

Feeling a bit more refreshed after my shower I laid down in bed. Thoughts of the day in general flew through my mind. The physical tests weren't as bad as we thought they'd be, and even the press kept their distance we hardly knew they were there. It was definitely a good day.

Mione looked great though, don't know why she was worried about being photographed wearing tights, when really those sorts looked amazing on her. Its those legs. Those beautiful, creamy, well-defined, long legs.

Deciding that I should put a stop to my train of thought before it becomes a real problem, I took a book from my beside table about rare dragon breeds, I manage to distract myself long enough to become sleepy. I turned out the lights and fell asleep.


Hermione POV

It was almost noon, when I awoke on Sunday morning, I hadn't set an alarm since its weekend and yesterday was such a tiring day. I also didn't get to bed till pass midnight, due to our little gathering at Harry's last night. Needless to say, I was nacked.

As I made my way to the kitchen for some coffee, I thought about what happened last night, not that anything really happened in the true sense of the word, but the feelings and just the general vibe of the situation had me in a bit of a tussle.

Was it just the wine that made me wanna think about Harry that way? It wasn't the first time though, was it? Although last time it was because we were all dressed in scraps of swim clothes, half submerged in water, for most of the day. I was bound to think about his body after a day like that.

As for last night, there were drinking and him talking about appreciating his manhood, how could I not have made that jump.

I'm sure he didn't mean for it to sound like he was advertising certain parts of his anatomy, it was just part of the story.

Or was it? Could he have shared that story on purpose just so he could slip in the bit about he's own body.

Gosh, I'm getting ahead of myself here. This is Harry we're talking about, I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

Whatever the intent of that story, it did stir some things in me I was hoping wouldn't be stirred by my best friend, newly dumped best friend. Although, the way he was talking the other night it didn't seem like he was the one getting dumped this time. No, she just didn't give him a reason to stay.

Where does that leave me though? Do I want to be with Harry in that way if it was at all possible? Sure he is sexy, I know that and won't be darft and try to deny that. He just isn't the type of guy, a woman like me could get involved with and not have it mean anything. I care about Harry, he is my best friend and I trust him with my life, no questions asked. There is history between us, and not just the two of us but also, Ron.

There will be no casual, dilly-dallying, with Harry, without there being major disruptions in the delicate balance that is our trio's friendship.

It would just be dumb, and selfish and destructive. And that is saying I actually want something more to happen between Harry and myself. Or that he wants that as well.

No I don't think I'd go that far just yet, a girl is allowed a bit of fantasizing once in a while now, isn't she? Even if he is my most trusted friend. Nothing is gonna come of it. Its just a silly fantasy. I probably just need to date or snogg someone to get all this insanity out of my system.

Yes, I think that sounds way better than the can of worms that would be opened by trying to play into these fantasies. You don't wanna make things weird for Ron given he'll have to tell his sister at some point and we'll all have to deal with the crazy that will follow. You don't wanna alienate the only people apart from mom and dad, that doesn't just avoid you like the plague. And most importantly, you don't wanna risk losing the most important person in your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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