Authors note

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Hi, it's me. Nova, the author of this book.

From now on you can submit your own scary story.

Just a few rules.

1. It has to be your own, if it's not yours, tell me who the original author is.

2. It can be fictional or a real happening. (Ghost/monster sighting/attack)

3. Please try to use proper grammar.

4. Don't expect me to upload your story ten minutes after you submitted it, I am a busy person.

5. You can be anonymus if you want to.

6. Submit your story through Dm or e-mail me your story at

7. If you take the story from someone else and do not credit them, "your" story won't be picked and put in the book.

Horror stories to keep you up at nightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora