A plan to break Amour

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"See ya mom" I called out, closing the door and head out. Walking down the quiet street with a smile plastered on my face and Pikachu sat on my shoulder with the wind blowing. It has been days after our fun at the beach.

In these days, I've been spending time with my girlfriend, at home or maybe mall since I'm all right with it, But most of all. I love having her by my side it makes my confidence boost up. I can't wait to spend more time with her in weeks, months or even a year. Although there was bell ringing in my head. I don't know what it was but I knew something was about to happen.... or someone.

I shook my head, getting rid of the negative thoughts and arrived at a bus stop only to see Gary leaning on a lamppost with arms crossed to his chest. Then looked at me as I came before him.

"Hey gare bear" I greeted with a smile.

"Pika" my number one buddy exclaimed, holding up the paw up then down.

"Hey Ashy boy, and Pikachu" Gary smiled even more like he was about to laugh at something. "you know I've got a good nickname for Paul"

"And what's that" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

Gary sniggered. "I call him, Paulie Shinji Kagawa, get it." he said and laughs with one tear coming out from his eyes. While I resolved since it didn't affect me at all not even Pikachu too, we both just sweatdropped.

After chuckling, he looked at the other side and so did I to see my girlfriend with her friends walking towards us.

I formed a wide smile as she walks towards me and arrived. I draped around her waist and leaned my head forward, giving a quick peck on her soft pink lips and moved back, standing up straight with my arms still in place.

"Morning beautiful", I said, eyeing at her blue sapphire eyes, giving a reflection on my face.

With a cute giggle. "Morning to you handsome,i" she said with a crimson blush across her face that was actually cute to watch and not even any other girls would come before her.

I glimpse at Dawn holding the fangirling squeal and Gary just gave a grin, thinking I'm doing a good job.

The bus showed up as we get in the transport and took our seats at back row since you get a bumpy ride all the way to school.

I sat down beside Serena as she puts her head on my shoulder, finding it comfortable to relax on. I couldn't help but give a smile of her cuteness, she really looks like sleeping beuty but much more adorable. We've been together for some weeks now and I felt free but different than suspicious. I don't know what I feel butIthink today is a final....

"Ashy boy" Gary called out breaking my thought as I gaze at him. Receiving a puzzled expression.

"Are you going to play the basketball team, it'll be awesome if we join," he added with a smile.

I stared at him for second and gave nod with a wide smile. "Sure" I answered.

i haven't really thought about joining a sport club but it's worth a try, maybe this will help my battling skills.

"I'll be cheering for you Ashy" she responds with that nickname, still in same position.

I looked at her and smiled, leaning my head by giving her a soft kiss on forehead. "And I'll be watching you, my princess, sere"


We arrived at school after a bumpy ride and head towards a crowded playground meeting our friend there. Gary talked about sports even calling Paul that nickname which he too didn't affect but calls pathetic for response, Is there any other word he uses other than pathetic.

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There was only me, Gary, Drew and Paul entering the team. Cilan couldn't come because he has a connoisseur test while Clemont wasn't into sports.

With the bell rang, we head inside the school building then went straight into our geography class.

I sat down comfortably in my seat, with Serena beside me and glanced over at Gary sitting beside Misty, attempting to forgive his mistake before at the beach on what he just did. Which he was the first to plan it. Misty also asked forgiveness from the fight they had before, so there's no big deal.

I looked over again to see my cousin May talking to Drew, I swear they need to get together one day, then at Paul who was sat next to Dawn, not talking to each other.

I know Paul has a crush on Dawn but he doesn't know if she likes back, or maybe she's stuck with me. Na who am I kidding, I'm stuck with my dream princess.

A door swings opened getting my attention and out came Calem, walking towards his seat in the front row before shooting a look of smirk at me and sat.

I gave a knowing look; I didn't know what was that about but something was not right. Maybe he's hiding something from me.

i soon ignored my thoughts not wanting to find out. Maybe he still wants that revenge that i have punched him twice.

Then, the teacher entered the classroom and started lesson with other students now focusing on him as he writes letters on board with a marker pen, scribbling down notes.

In presence, I saw Calem glancing at me then back and formed a smile; I didn't know what it was but i must watch out. Maybe he could have planned something for me. I need found out what's his plan otherwise there's going to be another fight.


After a learnfull lesson. The gang and I head over to our next lesson but for some reason, I was receiving a evil smirk that made my body alert. I whirled around to see Calem walking the opposite way facing his back at me which I couldn't get his expression. Although he did kept on looking at me then to Serena in lesson, it was either he wants me to fight him or wants Serena back, which he totally not getting not on my watch.

Shrugging my shoulders I ignored it and continued on with my friends as we head to our next lesson. Then I can play with my friend and enter the basketball team. Maybe I'm hallucinating a bit, but i do know there's a bad vibe coming my way.

"Ash" Serena spoke, getting my attention as she connects my hand while walking, her hand was soft like a fur, my bod felt a million times better as we stay like this together.

i looked at her, with a signiture smile "Yeh" i respond shoving the uneasy away, not showing it in-front of my girlfriend.

"Good luck on getting in the team" she said with a smile and leans forward, pecking my lips on hers that sends pikachu's eletricity flow through my body. She pulls back with a smile and a red blush on her soft pale cheeks,

with a smile "Thanks Serena" i said and we began to enter our class.


After some lesson the boys and I head over to court, i told Alain to come too which he agreed since we both don't have nothing to do, while others are doing what they want. I felt excited joining a team although I wish it was pokemon but the tournaments has not arrived just yet maybe couple months later.

We entered in gym, seeing some contestant of students joining too, I'm really skilful on basketball but I'll just have to try and never give up. Not on this competition.

I craned at Gary, coming over "you ready Ashy boy" he said with a challenging smirk knowing what he meant.

I smirked back with a nod "you bet." fist pump air.

me and my friends got ready. I took my jacket and cap off and placed it on the stand, resting it there with pikachu jumping off my shoulder as he looks at me and cheered, wishing me the best of luck. i walked to the court which wasn't slippery but just right for the grip on my shoes. There was only 20 of us so that means only 8 will be out. I must win to get in the squad.

We picked our teams, which was me, Gary and Paul in one group while Drew and Alain in the other.

I glanced at Gary with a nod and back, feeling exciting swelled within me as I smiled slowly.

The teacher came to centre, holding an orange with black-lined ball and stopped between Gary and another boy, face to face, centimetres apart.

The teacher told the rules and blowed his silver shined whistled making a loud sound across the gym as he throws the basketball in air up high.

Gary jumps first before the boy and smack it towards me. I quickly grabbed it and started bouncing while running with pace. I ran past every defenders that tried tackling me but it was no use of my speed and shift.

I came close near a hoop in metres, doing a faked shot with a jump making a defender do the same but i quickly ran past him and jumped again, releasing the ball from my hand with arms stretched out as the orange ball went flying towards a hoop and went in by rebounding it.

As I landed on ground with a smile, I turned around only to see people gazing at me with eyes wide.

"Nice Ashy boy" Gary called with a smile and a thumbs up.

I run back towards my position, ignoring student's stares and proceed the game as were winning.


Calem POV

I scurry across hallway, with a plan stuck to my head. This would be perfect all I need first is this one person to do this job for me, but it's going to be a hard talk to convince but if refusal is answer, then its punishing time, can't wait to destroy Ash ketchums life, once and for all.

While walking, I see an computer sign which was my target and arrived. I looked through the square clear window and formed smiled that my target is right there. I glanced around my surrounding to see if anyone sees me then entered inside; quietly shutting the door closed without making a sound or else this person will notice me. it was a bit dark with only computers screens switched on and there wasn't any students around, just and this boy.

I sneakily walked over the class, keeping a deadly gaze at him who was too busy with its work which I think its a rubbish creation.

As I came close, I stretched my arms out for tap on the person shoulder as he received it and turned around to face me, seeing my face looking into my eyes.

I could tell by the look on his face has changed it from concentrate to terror as he saw my appearance, well he should be afraid of me, everyone should be.

He tried to speak up his whimpering mouth but I spoke first.

"Hey, there friend." I spoke with an evil expression like I was ready for the kill.

"C-Calem" he feared stutter, body shaking. I wanted to laugh, but it was not the time right now it was my planning time.

I leaned forward with a scrunched up nose. Gazing at his sweat trickle face.

"I need your help to break up Ash and Serena" I took a glimpse at his eyes which was going widen and I know his head is shaking as I continued to answer my target, there was no one around just the two of us alone.


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