Hey guys, hope you like this story so far. Like I said before, it is my first so please be kind. I don't know when I'll be updating, maybe just whenever I can. So thanks for reading!!
Finally that's the last exam over. I can just go back to my room and practice my guitar all summer now.
"Hey Harriet, wait up" calls Edwina from behind me. "So how do you think that went?" She asks me.
"Alright, question seven did get me a bit confused for a while though. I just want to go back and not have to do anything now, I just want to be really lazy"
"Yea let's go"
So we start the fifteen minute walk back to the center, just talking about our plans for the summer, the chances of us getting adopted and just some annoying people at school. We round the corner of the street and walk up the path to the center. Edwina pulls out her keys and lets us in, we then take off our shoes as that is one big rule, all shoes off at the door.
"Harriet may I speak with you?"
I spin around at the mention of my name. I'm faced by Ms Richards. She was smiling at me, so I knew I wasn't in any trouble. She might not look intimidating, with her massive red glasses and dark brown fringe, but unless you've seen her angry, you have no idea.
"Yea, okay"
I followed her into her office and sat down in one of the massive black leather chairs. She also sat down and folded her hands in front of her and looked at me with a sort of shy smile.
"Harriet I have some really good news for you!" she squeaked. "I got a call from a centre in Oakland, theres a family there that would like to adopt you!"
"A family... in Oakland... would like to adopt... me?"
"Yes. You. Your flight leaves in two days."
"Two days!?"
"Harriet, are you deaf. TWO DAYS!" She practically shouted at me. She then composed herself once again, turned to me and smiled. "You may go now"
So I turned, left the room and out into the hallway. I walked up the stairs in a kind of trance and I didn't realise I had walked into my bedroom, or picked up my guitar, or that I was playing the chords to 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' , or that Edwina was talking to me.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Sorry, no"
"I asked what happened?"
"Oh nothing, I've just been adopted by someone in Oakland"
That got the exact reaction I was looking for. I had to try really hard not to burst out laughing when I saw the look on her face. I really wish I had a camera. Her mouth hit the floor and she made a funny noise, almost like a balloon deflating. She stared at me and then closed her mouth, then opened it again and she did this for a good two minutes at least.
Next thing I know she rugby tackled me onto my bed so hard I had the wind nocked out of me. I think that was a rib creaking.
"Edwina get off me! I think you might kill me!"
"Oops, sorry. I'm just so happy for you. Finally your being adopted." She squealed, like a mouse.
I was really happy as well, but also really nervous. What if they don't like me? What if I don't like them? What if they are abusive or something? Also I have no idea who they are, Ms Richards never told me their names. And yea I was happy about leaving, but I had lived here for eight years or so, it would feel really weird leaving all these people, some who I even considered family.
Once I managed to push Edwina off me I decided to play my guitar for a while, just going through some of my favourite songs like: Holiday by Green Day, Turn It Off by Paramore, Riot by Three Days Grace or The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance.
After about two hours Edwina said she was going to bed, so I turned off the amp and put on my plaid pyjamas and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Two Days LaterI smacked my alarm. Probably broke it. I thought to myself as I got up and got my bearings. Today's the day.
I got up and had a shower, brushed my teeth and dried my hair, I didn't need to straighten it, it just went limp all by itself anyway. I then needed to pick something to wear. I decided on a white T-shirt with black elbow length sleeves, my black skinny jeans and Dookie converse, which I had been so lucky to get for my birthday.
I went downstairs and had breakfast. It was really early in the morning and so no one else was up, only me. I went back up stairs and packed my suitcases. As I was leaving, hopefully for good, I was allowed two cases instead of just one. All my band t-shirts, jeans and shoes went in one case. The other had some clothes, but mostly just my books, my art, music sheets and my amp. Then I packed up my guitar. I had to be careful with it, it was my Dads old red Fernandes Stratocaster, it was a bit banged up but it still sounded great. I then packed my rucksack with my book 'Blood for Blood' by Ryan Graudin, some magazines and a sketch book.
And then all to soon I was being called downstairs. It was time to go. I promised Edwina I would call her everyday and that I would see her soon and Ms Richards told me that once I landed I needed to look for a sign with McGregor on it and then she gave me my passport with the boarding pass, and that was it.
I got all my things in the taxi and got in. I put on my headphones and just watched the world go by.

Is This The Dawning of My Life?
FanfictionHarriet, an orphan, is waiting, just like every other orphan, for a family. But she's not the type of child everyone wants, so who has asked to adopt her? It can't be her idol, can it?