Chapter 33 - What are you?

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Sorry guys this one was going to be a lot longer, but with study I wouldn't be able to finish it for another few weeks, this way I'll divide it in to two and slowly work on the next bit in my study breaks... hope its ok

Rieden paused, the black wolf beside him didn't hesitate, flinging its huge body at the dark Brother, the dead dark brother, veering at the last second to miss the outstretched hand of  transparent mottled grey skin to land behind it. Dark purple sparks sprang from the pasty hand to shimmer around those misaligned fingers.

He felt it then, what they were hunting, that fragile string from the Dark Brother to the one that fed him with power.

Dark blue eyes flickered to meet his for an instant, the Dark brother turned now surprisingly agile to face off with Channing; Rieden silently chanted to keep his power hidden.

Channing barred his teeth allowing a savage growl to rip between those huge black canines. As the Dark brother raised his hand, that purple mist darkening, Rieden stopped chanting and called in his power. He struggled for a moment to contain it's tidal deluge as it rushed in from everywhere feeling like Talon but mixed with... whatever was sending him more.

Wild. Organic. Intense.

Too much.

The Dark Brother stumbled around his pupil-less eyes wide. He hesitated, making Rieden narrow his eyes, the huge wolf behind sprang up on the walking corpse but his teeth and claws slid off the barrier now shimmering around the Brother.  Channing jumped down and leapt out of the way when Rieden gestured with his head.

He actually saw it then, the power thread, and the direction in which it was leading.

Rieden smiled. Got you.

Lightning flashed overhead as he let a torrent of power hurtle through the air toward the brother shattering his protective barrier and before he could send in another blast the huge black wolf reared on his hind legs, front paws wrapped around the Brother and his claws slicing through sinew and bone, teeth crushing the grey head like a rotten pus filled watermelon under a bus wheel.

He didn't stop there; he ripped every limb off the corpse and dug its gut out with his claws causing black, rancid guts and organs to spew over the recoiling green grass.

Purple smoked hissed as black blood met the living sea of green.

He saw the black teeth find the decayed but still pulsing heart, Channing's muzzle pulled away from it as he spat it out in crumbling pieces.

Rieden turned away, probing the area for the thread of power that would lead them to whoever had created this abomination. It had faded dramatically.

He stopped still, a whiff of a power signature was just identifiable not too far away, and not for much longer, it was moving quickly. It felt somehow familiar but not at the same time.

They must find out, "Channing, whoever is controlling those things is moving away fast."

The wolf raised his maw and black congealing goo dripped off steaming as it hit the earth. Rieden walked over to examine the grass; it was brittle and yellowing under the mutilated remains. The purple smoke was cloying and sickening to breathe in.

Talon would not like the grass suffering. After feeling what she did, he felt pity at her new sense.

The Cursed wolf growled in impatience, his heavy tail slowly swinging from side to side. He nodded and they loped in the direction of the power thread.


He stopped dead, "Talon." The wolf whined and moved in closer to him. Had she felt the disease on her grass?

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