Jan. 31, 2017 - 1:07 am
Kyla laid in her bed, face in her pillows. She had to dip into her savings to get another apartment, by herself. She had just gotten home from work and all her aches and pains were setting in. Her phone vibrated on the nightstand, it was an unknown number so she didn't answer. She closed her eyes trying to sleep.
Kyla woke up to someone banging on her door, she looked through the peep hole to see Tristian's blonde curls at the back of his head. She opened the door and waited for him to turn around.
"Get your stuff, Kenyan is having her baby early," he said
"I can go see her tomorrow,"
"Seriously? Do you not want to go because you genuinely don't want to be there or because I'll be there,"
"Both, goodbye,"
Kyla started to close the door but Tristian stuck his foot in it.
"Why are you acting like I did wrong?"
"I'm not, I know I was wrong. But I'd rather spare myself the awkward pleasantries,"
Tristian moved his foot and held his hands up.
"You got it boss," he walked away
Kyla walked into Kenyan's hospital room with gifts and balloons.
"Bitch I'm mad at you," Kenyan said
"Ken, why you send him to come get me?"
"I didn't, he offered,"
"You should've stopped him, how did he get my address?"
"Do you remember who we're talking about?"
Kyla rolled her eyes.
"Well, I brought gifts for my god baby,"
"What'd you get us?"
"I said for the baby, speaking of...where is my baby?"
"My baby is in the nursery,"
"Oh well excuse the hell out of me,"
They both shared a laugh.
"I got some outfits and some blankets. Of course I got a teddy bear too!"
Kyla held up a brown teddy bear and smiled. She noticed Kenyan wasn't smiling back and she walked over to bedside.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm afraid I'll be a bad mom Ky,"
"Girl bye, you're great with kids. Plus it takes a village to raise a child so you'll have plenty of help. Don't stress boo,"
"Why do you have all the answers?" Kenyan smiled and Kyla sighed.
"I never understood why God gave me the gift of knowledge to educate everyone else... But when it's time for me to use the knowledge for my own problems I'm baffled," Kyla plopped down in the recliner next to Kenyan's bed.
"You use your wisdom to help but you have to learn, to teach,"
Kyla looked at Kenyan who had her eyes closed as she spoke.
"Bitch you trying to take my job? Getting all philosophical and shit,"
"I learned from the best,"
The door opened and in walked Tristian with a nurse in front of him, strolling the baby in.
"Hey," Tristian said dryly
"Sup...Ken can I hold the baby?"
"Of course, the bathroom's on the right. And hello Tristian,"
Kyla got up from her seat and walked into the bathroom, washing her hands well and drying them before coming back to the bassinet that held the now awake baby. She gently picked the baby up and adjusted her arms.
"What's h-" Tristian started
"Ryan," Kenyan cut him off
"She's so beautiful,"
Ryan stuck her tongue out to Kyla and yawned. Kyla rubbed Ryan's tiny hands with her index finger.
"That's auntie's baby..." She cooed as she bounced lightly on her feet.
"Mind if I cut in?" Tristian asked, he had just came out of the bathroom.
"Not at all," Kyla handed the baby to him
Tristian and Ryan had a staring contest until Ryan blinked with her yawn.
"Hey little one,"
Tristian deep voice scared Ryan, even at a whisper, and she started to holler.
"I don't know what to do," Tristian looked terrified.
"Give her to her mommy," Kenyan said
Kenyan took a few moments to calm Ryan down before speaking.
"Ky I feel like they got my due date wrong because she's fine,"
"A due date is only an estimate, people rarely have their children on their due dates,"
"Okay, I was worried at first,"
"Nothing to be worried about Ken,"
"Mind if I take some pics of you and Ryan and send them to the fam?" Tristian said
"Just get her, I look a mess,"
"That sounds like my best friend cue!" Kyla yell-whispered
"I brought makeup with me,"
"Ky..." Kenyan started to cry
"Do we hand her to her mommy too?" Tristian joked
"Shut up Tristian," Kenyan said through her tears.
Tristian walked over and took the now sleeping Ryan from Kenyan so Kyla could do her make up.
They talked and caught up about what Kyla had been doing for the past month. Tristan nodded off with Ryan in his arms.
"So I have something to tell you," Kyla looked over her shoulder and whispered to Kenyan
"Somebody has been following me,"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like every time I go somewhere there's a black jaguar following close behind,"
"Bitch call the police,"
"Now you know I can't. Tristian runs the people of Ohio but the police are something different. I don't to bring the police into it and he's still sorta in my life,"
"Shit I almost forgot,"
"I wish I could bitch,"
Kyla finished off Kenyan's look with highlighter and a pink lip gloss.
"Is there anything you can't do?" Kenyan admired Kyla's work in her front camera.
"Love," Kyla mumbled.