It had been a month since you last saw loup blank and you were getting worried about her. Their had been nothing, not even a little robbery but as you were scouting around London you heard two bank alarms ring and you realised she wast hurt she was just planning. You saw her and the blue villain (who's name you had had learnt was Mavi) run out from a bank each and as the police caught up with loupe she tossed the bags to Mavi, and yes you were supposed to be on the police's side but if they hurt her you'd hurt them. Loupe got into a fighting stance taking about her nunchucks
(Play that)
(She starts fighting when she starts singing)
Loupe deflected every attack and halfway throught the fight she split her nunchucks in two which was AMAZING! And then paon jumped between them "okay boys calm down" she said calmly before turning around "of you pop loupe" she said while loupe nodded and ran off "you let er go!" One of the police men yelled "well if you'd done your job instead of fighting loupe you would have caught up with Mavi" she sassed "now of you go" she said before leaving, then she looked you way "well hello haven't seen you before" she smiled at you "paon" she said while holding out her hand "red deer" you said while shaking it "wanna help me catch em" "SURE!" you yelled "sorry just excited" she smiled and ran off with you following close behind. I'm actually doing something good. You said to yourself while laughing.

fan miraculous x reader
Fanfictionyou move to London were you find your new life pretty boring until you see her, loup blank and when a mysterious box appears at your door, and you become the partner madmoiselle paon you find loupe may not be as villainous as she seems