A story of Nonsense

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The story of Nonsense

One upon a time, there was a purple narwal named Jesus. He lived on top of a castle with his friend Billy, the fat dragon.

Then Mariah died.

Nathan (jesus) buried Mariah in his butter turner, then brought her to the high school for show-and-tell. While the class oohed and awed over Mariah's dead body the Banana King stuck the magical banana of awesomeness in her ear, bringing her back to life.

Then Jeffery the wild blue berry ate a toucan.

Then Mariah died...again.

Her body was then abducted by aliens on a trolly. They gave her a gerbil to swallow and she came back to life.

Meanwhile...Keira found the banana of awesomeness that fell out of Mariah's ear, and ate it, revealing Dracula. Keira threw the rest of the banana at him and yelled, "You pasty skinned blood sucking hag!" While riding a unicycle.

Then Mariah died.

"Why do I keep dying!?" Mariah screamed and slapped Nathan (jesus).

Then Mariah died of chronic left pinky toe failure.

(The statement above is not true.)

Meanwhile, on middle earth, Smeagol was tied to a tree. as overweight pedestrians waddled by, he meowed at them, pleading for them to buy him a cinnamon bun.

Well, back to Keira. She rode her unicycle until she tripped over Mr. Jellywoopensmalegenistol. She them collided with the alien's trolly. The aliens fed her a radioactive gerbil that gave her the power to turn people into carrots. She decided she would start with Rosie O'Donnell....

And thus; Keira rode her unicycle and met a pessimistic boy named Nathan (jesus), and a sadist girl named Mariah, who keeps dying.

Then a thought come over Keira, "I SHALL USE MY POWERS FOR GOOD, AND HELP THIS TROUBLED CHILD!" Then she proceeded to turn Mariah's failed pinky toe into a carrot, therefore defeating the infection, and causing Nathan (jesus) to fall into a downward spiral of depression.

The group stayed at Mariah's house and her uncle Melmon told the new cheery Mariah ti change her gerbil's rancid water. Mariah tippy-toed around the discarded pickles and got the bowl of water. While walking to the sink she accidently stepped on a pickle.

Somewhere in the world and angel got its wings.

Mariah clumsily dropped the water bowl and replaced it with a banana.

Meanwhile Keira and Nathan (jesus) planned the assassination of Rosie O'Donnell...

Keira suggested using sporks as our weapon of choice.

"FAAAAILLLL" Screamed Nathan (jesus). "I say we use...Cabbages..."

"CABBAGES!?" Questioned uncle Melmon. "CABBAGES!" Screamed Nathan (jesus), who then broke out in song and was joined by Stevie Wonder.

"Cut the pickles!" Yelled mariah, storming into the room.

"Why?" Asked uncle Melmon.

"Im Prego!!!" Sobbed Mariah. awwww.....

Nathan's (jesus) eyes became bowling balls. "I KNEW YOU WERE FAT!" Nathan (jesus) cheered and busted a M.J. move. "Are you really?" Asked Keria to mariah.

"No." And so they started with there plan of assassinating Rosie O'Donnell with cabbages.

Somewhere in the word, Toto ate Dorathy.

Somewhere ELSE in the world, an ant climbed up a elephants leg with friendship on its mind.


"Whyyyyyyyyyy?" Nathan (jesus) whined while petting his pet boomerang and wearing orange tights.

"Because I turn people into freakin' carrots!" Keira yelled. Of course in the end, Keira got the orange tights, and Nathan (jesus) got the pink. Nathan's (jesus) pet boomerang chewed on Mariah's carrot toe. Then a genie came out of the magic lamp and granted nathan (jesus) 3 wishes. Nathan (jesus) did not need wishes, for he is jesus, so he just summoned mariah to death by being eaten by the Kraken. And ate a cupcake.

Then mariah died.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2010 ⏰

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