From Babe 😍: Hey baby.. When you get off don't go get something to eat, I'm fixing something for dinner... Just don't work too hard and come home soon.. 😘 I love you
You smiled at your phone and typed a quick "I love you too" before sliding your phone back in to your pocket and carrying the broom back to where you got it. You walked over to the computer and clocked out before telling everyone goodbye and making your way out to your car. You'd had a pretty stressful day with lots of customers coming in and you knew Yugyeom was leaving soon and when that time neared you were always a little depressed. You started your car, the orange light of the street lights shining through your windshield and the car roared to life. You buckled up and pulled out of the parking lot, making your way home quickly but in silence. When you pulled in to the parking lot, you watched the letters on the top of the buildings until you found the "F". You pulled in to the spot next to yugyeoms Range Rover and you got out, slamming the door after grabbing your bag and shuffling your way towards the stairs in the cold air. You wrapped your arms around yourself and hopped up the cement stairs and then passed the first door on the right before pulling your keys from your pocket and unlocking the door, pushing it open slowly. Suddenly the smell of warmth and food filled your nostrils and you sighed. You loved when yug did these things for you. You shut the door behind you and the sound of the tv played softly. You looked up to see friends playing and you slipped your shoes off, keeping them on the hard wood. "Hey nat! Come here!" You heard Yugyeom call for you and you smiled, your sock feet padding your way across the carpet and in to the kitchen. There he was, your beautiful boy. His wide shoulders were moving slightly under his black t-shirt and his hair had no product in it. "Hey.. What.." You said softly as you stepped on to the cool marble laminate of the kitchen and he turned to look at you, his hand stopping with the knife, dropping it and the cutting board in to the sink as he turns towards you. You smiled softly, looking him over. All of his freckles were on full view against his naked face and his bangs fell straight across his brow, his muscular arms stretching the sleeves of his shirt and his sweat pants hanging low on his hips. His feet were bare and you stepped up on to them to gain height as you watched his twinkling eyes. His pouted lips curled up in to a lazy smile and you leaned up to peck them. "Check your sugar.." He whispered and you slapped his chest, rolling your eyes. "Wow way to ruin the moment Yugyeom.." You grumbled and stepped off of his feet. "I'll do that when I feel like it.. And I'm showering and changing my clothes instead of loving on you because you turned me off.. See ya later ugly.." You said and pivoted on your heels, leaving Yugyeom laughing to himself at your sassiness as you turned in to the hallway. The hallway was dark but the bedroom light was left on so you followed the stream of light against the hardwood of the floor to get you there. You pushed open your door and automatically started to pull off your clothes, throwing them on the bed. You grabbed your meter from your dresser and quickly checked your sugar (which was perfectly fine mISTER KIM YUGYEOM). As you walked towards the bathroom and flicked on the light you couldn't help but stop with your thoughts. Yugyeom would leave in a few days and you'd be left here again with just your job and your best friend when bambam left her too. Your bare feet hit the cold tile and you grabbed a towel from the closet. You got in the shower and turned it almost all the way to the left, letting the hot water take away your worries of the day. The water soaked your hair and ran down your body, relaxing your muscles as you washed off. When you were done, you got out and grabbed your towel, ruffling your head with it and then drying off your body, walking back to your room, the coolness contrasting from the steam and causing you to erupt in goose bumps as you grabbed one of YUGS practice good by air shirts and pulled it over your head with some boy short panties. You started to go back to the bathroom to hang up your towel when hard carry started blasting down the hall on the Tv speakers, causing you to jump. You heard Yugyeom cuss as the song stopped abruptly before the soft sound of guitar started to play down the hall. You dropped your towel on the floor and stormed to the door to yell at him about the neighbors complaining. You quickly pushed the door open and stepped in to the hall "Yugyeom what the h-" you started to yell but stopped as you recognized that the song was regret by sweet pea, a song you'd sent to him a while back that you said reminded you of your relationship. You couldn't get mad at him for trying to be romantic so you just shook your head. "You're gonna have to turn that down Yugyeom.." You said as your feet carried you back down the hall to the kitchen. When you got there you looked in but he wasn't there, the chicken soup still on the stove and everything in place but him. You cocked your eyebrow and went back to the hall to peak in to the living room only to find that the tv wasn't even on. "Yugyeom??" You called but when you scanned the house you just couldn't find him. The music sounded softer from where you were now so you listened to hear it coming from the guest bedroom. You rolled your eyes and started to walk towards the guest bedroom, pushing the door open quickly and the music grew louder as you looked around, completely baffled. The bed was removed and there were tea lights in the shape of a heart with tiny Polaroids in the middle from all the times you decided to waste film together and plane tickets scattered all over the floor. "Yugyeom?? What the he-" you asked as you turned to yell down the hall but nearly jumped out of your skin as your eyes met his talk figure right in front of you. "Hey.." He said, his cheeks blushing lightly. "Yugyeom this is the cutest thing ever wh- what the hell?" You asked nearly tearing up and he just smiled his quirky smile. "I just wanted to do something cute for you haha I rarely ever do.. And me leaving and all.." He said, his gaze shifting from yours to look around the room. "I wanted to do something romantic for you to hold on to.." He mumbled and you nodded, tears coming to your eyes as you stepped towards him and wrapped your arms around his slim waist. His large hands moved up and down your back softly as he kissed the top of your head and you breathed in his scent which was your favorite in the whole world. You kissed his chest through his shirt and lean back to look up at him, sniffling softly and he just smiles down at you. You turn to look at the heart once again and look at the scattered tickets. "What are the plane tickets for??" You asked softly, pointing to them and he chuckles. "Well I thought it might be confusing but those are supposed to represent all the times I've been gone that you've still loved me and waited for me.." He said. "Those are all actual tickets I've used.." He said and you looked at him surprised. "Really??" You asked, turning to bend and pick one up, you looked it over. "Hmm.. Tokyo!" You said, flipping it over in your hands. You dropped it back with the rest, careful not to put it too close to a candle and you turn back to Yugyeom to notice he had a ticket in his hand, but this one was bigger. And it was made out of construction paper.. And crayon? "What is this??" You asked, laughing as he handed it to you. You could see how red his face was and you knew how shy he was with these things so you just took it and looked it over. You read it out loud: "Mr. Kim Yugeom.. Departure..February third .. That's today.. Destination: Love.." You stopped and laughed to yourself looking up at him but he was so embarrassed that he can't meet your eyes. "What a cheese ball.." You said, laughing. He blushed harder and cleared his throat. "Read the other side.." He choked out without even looking at you. You rolled your eyes at his cuteness and flipped it over. This side said the same thing. "It's the same thing.." You stated, confused and you flipped it back and forth in your hand. "Read it closer.." He said and you did, blinking down at it. "W-what.." You said even though you knew what it said. Your eyes started to blur as you looked at him and he looked in to your eyes. "What does it say?" He said, his voice cracking a little and you but your lip. "Mrs. Kim Yugyeom.. Departure: February third.. Destination: love.." You whispered as you felt a tear run down your cheek. His tall gram slowly started to sink and it was like slow motion as he landed on one of his sturdy knees, looking up at you, his bangs falling over the sides of his face. "Natalie Danielle Mayer.. You've waited for me while I was all over the world.. I've loved you more than anyone or anything in all of the places I've ever been and I don't want to make you wait anymore.." He said, your hand holding your mouth as the other held the ticket and he pulls out a tiny box from his sweatpants pocket, his hand shaking a little as he opens it towards you to reveal a small and simple rose gold ring. "Will you do me the honor of being mine for the rest of my life?" He asked, a tear finally running down his cheek.