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'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh


It was later that day, Elanna wanted to take me and Chayne out to a party because once again, the other girls were 'busy'. More like, fucking their boyfriends. I wasn't really into parties well, compared to all the partiers, I'm the geek. Parties just weren't my thing because

1. I looked horrible and could never actually look good to a party.

2. I can't dance and basically my friends would embarrass me the whole time.

3. I just don't fit in.

But then again, who wants to fit in? Elanna and Chayne wanted to pick out my outfit because according to them, I didn't have good taste in party outfits. But I found my favorite black dress put it on and showed it to them, making them surprised. "You actually chose a good outfit." Elanna says surprisingly. I roll my eyes throwing a rolled up pieces of papers at her.

It was about time and I decided I had to look good because well it was a senior party and it was my last year in the school. The jocks were throwing the party. Meaning, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry with Niall of course were throwing the party. I had to look good for that. I may or may not have a little crush on Niall.

But it's only a little tiny one ok. I decide to just let my hair into its natural waves. I put on some smoky eyeshadow and nude lipstick. I couldn't wear a bra with this dress since it was open back.

I pull off my regular clothes and pull on my dress smoothing it out. "Hurry up Kaitlyn!" I hear Chayne yell from the living room. "Hold your fucking horses!" I yell back running to my closet grabbing my shoes. I walk back to my dresser putting on my earrings. I pull on my black heels and grab my phone and keys. I put them into my clutch and bring it with me walking down the hall.

I walk into the living room. I do a small twirl. "So?" I ask finally looking up at Chayne and Elanna smirking. "Hot." They both answer.

I laugh pulling poses. Chayne wipes away a fake tear. "She grew up so fast!" Fake sobbing comes out of her and Elanna's mouths. I laugh shoving them. "C'mon. I'm your ride anyways." I say dragging them out the door.

We get into the car and I pull out of the driveway. The drive wasn't that far. About 10-15 minutes. Would've been 30-45 minutes if we walked. We get out of the car. I shove my keys into my clutch and we all walk into the party together.

We earn a few wolf whistles. We walk into the kitchen to see Liam, Harry and Louis lip locked with their girlfriends. We groan getting their attention. Me and Elanna turn to Chayne to see her and Zayn sucking each other's faces off. We roll our eyes and head to the living room, the main place. We start dancing to Neon Lights by Demi Lovato.

Everyone else was making out with each other or grinding on other people. Elanna goes to get us drinks and I sit down on the couch in the corner. Some creepy guy comes over and sits next to me.

He puts his hand on mine as I move it away. I smile politely trying to tell him to go away please but he doesn't listen. His arm starts creeping up mine. "Come on, don't be like that." He says smirking. "Get off me!" I scream. Nobody could hear me because of all the loud music. I shove him off but he grabs me.

"She said let go of her." I hear a voice growl. I look up to see Niall there. "What are you gonna do about it freak?" The guy asks. Niall shoves him to the floor. "I see you even looking at her again I will snap your fucking neck. You got it?" He growls. The guy nods, scared and runs away.

"Hey, you okay?" Niall asks, his eyes holding concern. "Just a little shaken up." I whisper. "Come with me." He says taking my hand. He leads me up the stairs to his room I guess. "Your not gonna um you know.." I mumble looking at my feet. "No." He chuckles. He brings me into his room. "So what happened down there?" He asks, sincere.

"Um well Elanna went to go get some drinks for me and her and I was sitting on the couch when he came. Thanks for saving me again." I say giving me a kiss on the cheek sending a huge spark through me. His cheeks flush. "No problem." He says smiling shyly.

I had never really seen thsi part of Niall. He was usually the guy who hated my guts, who wanted me to not be alive. "Can I ask you something?" I ask snapping him out of his thoughts. "Yeah sure." he answers.

"Why have you been bullying me I mean why do you hate me?" I question waiting for his reaction. He looks taken aback. "it's just, I don't want to it's the guys, I mean like Jackson, Matt, Alvan and Evan, they tell me to. I don't want to do it. I mean it hurts me because your beautiful and wonderful and I hate bringing you down and hurting you. Evan is with my sister. He abuses her and he promised he wouldn't hurt her if I did this and I just, I'm sorry." He says still mumbling 'I'm sorry through tears that were rolling down his cheeks.

I felt bad. To be completely honest I would do the same. I mean that's his sister I would have done the same thing if it was Elanna or Chayne. I didn't really have sisters but they were like sisters to me.

I rub his back in a soothing manner. "It's alright Niall. I understand. I would have done the same thing. I'm over it. I promise." I say flashing him a smile. "I'm sorry again. I never wanted all this to happen." He mumbles finally looking up at me. "Hey! Didn't I just say it's alright?" I say playfully. He chuckles. his tears finally fading away.

"Elanna's probably wondering where I'm at. I should give her a call." I say looking towards my clutch. I pull my phone out and call her. "Where are you?!" She yells through the phone. "I'm with Niall. We're talking in his room." I yell back through the phone. "Okay, gET SOMEEE." She says making sure Niall hears. "Fuck you." I mumble into the phone before hanging up.

"Sorry, it's just she thinks that we should date an-" I was cut off by soft lips on mine. I pull back out of shock. He looks disappointed when I pull back. But then I pull him back in placing my lips on his.

Coming back to my senses I quickly pull away. "I'm sorry. I- I have to go." I say quickly grabbing my clutch. I run down the stairs and decide to tell Elanna everything that happened later. I quickly put the keys in her hands before running out, hearing her, Chayne, the boys and Niall all yelling my name.

I stumble and just keep going, finally slowing down. I collapse onto the ground eyes filling with tears.

What did I just do?


Pretty short I know, I'm sorry. I've been busy lately but I'm trying my best :) Oh and her outfit is on the side!

Ariel xo

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