Reviewer: Leader A
Author: UchihaMikotoSama
Book title: My life, life of an agent
Genre: Teen fictionCover: I wasn't too thrilled about the cover. I mean, all it shows is a girl half clothed and posing for the camera. I would suggest a picture of a girl and guy kickboxing.
Grammar & punctuation: Now this needs major work. I noticed that you said that someone edited your chapters for you.. Not to be rude, but I would get another editor. Obviously this girl doesn't know what she's doing. There's several misspelled words and incorrect coma placement. I advise going through your chapters and doing some editing. Make sure when you hire a editor you have them give you a sample of their editing. Or you will be in the same boat as you are in now.
Characters: Your characters are not well developed. And also how you describe her thoughts
He's so hot oh my goodness. Like wow
So many people do this on wattpad and it's very annoying for the readers to read.
As I look at him, I realize just how good looking he is.
Description: This needs work. Actually, I would just redo the whole thing. It has incorrect spelling that needs to be fixed. So my advice would be to just redo it.
Overall: Your book needs a lot of work. But I think that if you edit it and put your best efforts into improving it, you will have a fantastic book. Keep writing!
-Leader A.

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