"Stay here,"
Luisa tells you, then goes to the bar. As she walks off towards the bar, you look around the club. The room is filled with people, all seeming to be having a great time. You envy them slightly. Why can't I be that happy? You sigh, shaking your head. Luisa wanted you to be here with her, she took all afternoon dressing you for this. You might as well try to act as if you don't just want to go back home and crawl into your bed.
At that thought, she comes back holding two drinks in her hand. She has a bounce to her step; she must have drank some before getting to you. You mentally shake your head. She holds out the drink and you take it, giving her a look.
"Look, I know you don't want to be here. But trust me on this, you're going to enjoy tonight. Now drink it, as long as you don't drink too much of this you won't lose yourself. But it'll help you keep your mind off things. Let's have fun, okay?" She pushes the drink towards you.
"Okay." You drink the whole thing in one gulp, making her laugh.
"Awesome sauce. Let's go meet some friends of mine now, cool?"
"Cool." You feel the slight buzz from the drink making its way all through your body. She's right, it does help. Whatever hesitation you had about coming here seems to have become clouded with the effect of the drink.
She walks towards a trio of people and you follow. Two of them are girls, one of them a guy. As you get closer, the guy's shape seems familiar but the mix of the club lights and the drink make it difficult for you to pinpoint where he's from.
You're still trying to focus on him when Luisa starts introducing you. The names of the two girls go in one ear and out the other. Then she turns to the guy, who's coming into your focus more and more.
"Michael, this is Rhydian. Rhydian, this is Michael."
The realization of who he is suddenly hits you and you almost choke on air.
Luisa knows this guy?!

Michael's Fic (Name Still Undecided)
FanfictionOn a day when everything goes wrong, Michael, the store owner of an everything Coldplay shop meets a strange dude who turns his horrible day into an adventure of a lifetime.