Now, after the last chapter, you all know B'Elanna is dead, right? WRONG! Borg technology hit Holodeck 1 of course and made her a ghost. Basically she is still alive watching her death.
B'Elanna's POV
I am watching myself die. How is that possible. I am fully alive.
"TOM!!! DOCTOR!!! I AM NEXT TO YOU!!!" I shouted.
They couldn't hear me. They just looked at my dead body in shame and horror.
"Please, Tom, hear me. I am still alive," she cried. And yet, no one could hear me.
"It's too late," said the Doctor.
"No it can't be. I WON'T STAND FOR IT!"
"I'm sorry,"
"Forget it. You wouldn't try and save her anyway. All you would do is look at her body. I won't give up until I bring her alive!"A week passed, and every night, B'Elanna would talk to him in his dreams.
"B'Elanna! Your alive! Wait, I have said that every time. It is just a dream."
"No Tom please. Don't wake up. I am alive it's just... too complicated to explain."
"It is just a dream. Your not here."
"Tom, when the console killed me, I turned into a ghost and watched myself die. Tom, I've been with you this past week. I just wish you could see me."And then, he woke up. He looked next to him. Nothing there. Or was there? He could see a face.
Tom's POV
I saw a face. B'Elanna's face. B'Elanna? No it can't be.
"Computer, locate B'Elanna Torres."
"B'Elanna Torres is in her quarters," said the Computer.
I looked back and say the face. I could only see the face.
"Tom! You can see me!"
The face had disappeared.
"Computer, locate B'Elanna Torres."
"B'Elanna Torres is not on this ship."
I guess I imagined it. Time to get a nice rest

Star Trek Voyager: The Casualties
FanfictionHi guys! I hope you enjoy! Warning: this is sad 😭