First Day

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Ava's POV

I wake up at 5:30 in the morning knowing today is the first day back to school. Ew.

I really don't want to go, but I know I will be able to see my best friend Mikey. I probably should tell you about myself. My name is Ava. I like bands *cough cough Black Veil Brides cough*. I have dark brown hair and flippy bangs. I have brown eyes. If you're a stereotypical bitch you would consider me "emo" if you're not I love you. I hate stereotypes. I have a little sister and a little brother that has down-syndrome.

Down-syndrome is a disability that makes the person that has it learn slower. Let's just say my brother is 6 and acts as if he were 2 or 3.

So anyway I get up and get dressed in a PTV shirt and black skinny jeans. When it's time for me to get on the bus I do. I immediately sit away in the first seat of the bus avoiding eye contact with anyone. Once I sit down I put in my earbuds and listen to "The First Punch" by pierce the veil.

When I get to school I follow the

crowd not knowing where I'm suppose to go. It's my first time at this school so I don't know where anything is. Neither does any other seventh grader besides the ones that failed last year.

All the seventh graders led me to the cafeteria. We all sat at the tables as they called the names for who's in each class. They do science then English which happens to be my first hour. I have it with my really good friend Sophie . YES! SOMEONE I KNOW!

I saw her yesterday, so I didn't miss her that much. Once we got to our class room we all sat in the desks that had the notecard with our name. That class has two hours so it took twice as long for that class to end. Next I have third period PE. So when the bell beeps I try and find the gym.

How did you like it comment below!!! Song of the day is Heaven Help Us by MCR!!!

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