Chapter Four

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They rode almost nonstop for two days, until finally, they had to stop and rest, to Ivan's dismay.

" Do you WANT to miss the deadline?!" he said.

" Ivan," Aragorn said, " We NEED rest." Ivan looked at him, made a noise of irritation, then stormed off. While Ivan sat alone, Gimli and Aragorn sat with Legolas.

" I don't trust him. Ivan, I mean." Aragorn muttered. Gimli nodded.

" Something about him seems familiar... But I can't tell if it's in a good way or a bad."

" I know... Even with the mark on his arm, I'm still uneasy, but, lets face it, we don't know any good ways to get into Minas Kaure." Legolas replied. Aragorn nodded, but still watched Ivan carefully. Once they were finished, they saddles up again. Out of the corner of his eye, Legolas caught a glimpse of green as they started moving. Quickly, it darted behind some trees, but Legolas had seen it. A rider, dressed in green.

" We're being followed," Legolas whispered to Ivan. Ivan looked at him.

" I know."

" You know?"

" I've known for the past two days."

" And you haven't told us?!" Aragorn whispered furiously. He and Gimli had overheard and where now riding side by side with Legolas and Ivan.

" I was waiting until you found out."

" What?!" Gimli spluttered.

" I don't think they're hostile. Even though we've had guards each night, I think that they would have struck by now."

" Fine. But if they make ANY MOVE, they're DEAD." Aragorn growled. Legolas nodded, and Ivan gave in. Without warning, an arrow shot from an unseen bow and imbedded itself, quivering, in a tree next to Legolas's head. Legolas blinked, and in seconds they were surrounded by orcs, either holding swords or aiming bows.

" Seriously?" Ivan said, sounding more irritated than afraid. Without hesitation, he jumped down of his horse.

" We have you surrounded!" the head of the orcs said. His voice was deep, gravely and unpleasant.

" And we have a cave troll," Ivan said sarcastically, absentmindedly stabbing an orc that had charged at him.

" No, thats us." the head of the orcs replied, smirking. Behind him, a cave troll rose up, chains around it's hands, neck and legs. Ivan looked up at it. His face paled. It snarled at him.

" Oh, Mordor."

Slowly, Ivan back away and carefully mounted his horse again. He turned to the others.

" Run."

" That doesn't look like it's possible right now, Ivan!" Aragorn yelled. The orcs had closed in and the horses were rearing. They all pulled out their swords and started fighting on horseback, except for Legolas, who quickly pulled out his bow and started shooting. It seemed hopeless, as for every one orc they killed, five more came in. The cave troll roared, and knocked aside the orcs controlling it.

" OUT OF THE WAY!" The lead orc yelled as the troll stomped around, trying to get it's chains off. Finally, it succeeded, ripping the chains off itself. It stormed forward, trampling many orcs. The horses reared in terror. Legolas aimed him bow, but before the could shoot, three arrows embedded itself in the troll's back.

Legolas looked to see who fired, but all of the orc were either fleeing or fighting his companions. The cave troll roared in rage, and turned around too see it's adversary. Finally, Legolas could see who had shot. It was the rider in green! Their bow was raised, and they shot several more arrows into the troll's head. It roared, it's blood streaming down it's face. Legolas too shot the troll in the back, while the rider kept sticking arrows into the front. Once the troll looked more like a pincushion that a troll, the rider shot a single arrow into one of the troll's eyes with deadly precision. It roared, and stumbled, crashing down onto many orcs.

Quickly, the figure dismounted and gracefully ran over the the cave troll. They lifted a sword from their scabbard, and, in one swift movement, stabbed it into the troll's forehead. It's body spasmed, then went limp. The figure pulled out their sword, stained black with the troll's blood, and swung themselves back up onto they're horse, galloping into the trees.

" Wait!" Legolas called, but they had already disappeared. He sighed, and looked around only to see all of the orcs gone. They had either fled or been slain. The head orc was lying under the cave troll, his neck at an odd angle.

" Who was that?" Gimli asked.

" I don't know..." Legolas replied, still looking at where the figure had gone.

" But they just saved our lives."

Ivan brushed off his sleeve.

" We'd better get moving."

Aragorn nodded, for once agreeing with him.

" Wait." Legolas said, turning his mount to the small wood that the rider in green had vanished into. Gimli gripped his sleeve.

" And where are YOU going?"

Legolas laughed, a clear, happy sound.

" To look for the rider. Now let me go, Dwarf!"

Gimli laughed, and let him go.

" We'll wait." Aragorn said, to the irritation of their guid.

" Fine. Be back quickly!" Ivan called.

Minutes passed, with no hint of the rider. Hearing a rustle, Legolas whipped his head around. Quickly, he dismounted and strode over to where the rustling had originated. Lying on the ground was a tiny silver statue of an elk. It was very ornate, and it's eyes and antlers especially were carved with great care. The eyes had long lashes and seemed almost to be alive, while the antlers had tiny silver vines twining around them. Curios, he picked it up. It was very light. He pocketed it, then continued to scout around. Finally though, after no more signs of the rider, Legolas was forced to go back to his company. The gem felt heavy in his pocket, pulling him towards something, presumably Minas Kaure.

" Okay... Lets go." he said. Looking on final time over his shoulder at the wood, they rode off.

" I never got to say thank you..."

Yet no one noticed when, once more, the figure followed, just maybe a little more careful this time.

WOOO!!! EARLY UPDATE! *happy dance* You guys deserve it after having to wait for so long for Chapter Three... I hope you've enjoyed! Now, what are YOUR thoughts on the rider in green? And what about the elk Statue? What does that mean? I'd love to hear your thoughts! I have some ideas for what an Elk means in Elvish history, which you'll find out soon! Love you guys!


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