Chapter III: Gaston (?)

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Maka tried to place what was going on piece by piece. "Alright, so in this world, I am Belle, the most beautiful girl in France...that's kind of a shock to begin with...and Stein is supposed to be Belle's father, father, which means there must be a Gaston, cursed servants and...a beast...*sigh*...Oh man...if I know some people well, I might know who Gaston is..." Maka quickly shook her head to wipe off the thought. "Well, I should see this as an opportunity to follow in Belle's footsteps, so I have to let this all happen like in the fairytale. No differences whatsoever...even if Stein's my fictive dad..."

Maka arrived at the market square. There were stands everywhere. Food stands, jewelry stands and also fabric stands.

Maka suddenly remembered something. "Oh! I'm supposed to go to the bookstore, according to the story." She looked around, finding a shop with a little symbol of a book on the window. She smiled and carefully entered.
A bell rang, making the shop owner look at Maka. "Ah, Belle. Finished the book already?" Maka smiled and played along. "Oh yes. I couldn't put it down. It was such a great story...Do you have anything new today?" she asked curiously. The shop owner chuckled and shook his head. "No, not since yesterday", he said. "That's alright", Maka reassured him. "I'll just take...this one!" She carefully took a book out of the shelf and showed it to the owner. He chuckled again. "But you've read that one five times already, Belle." "Oh, but I love this one so much! With the dragons and the prince, and..." "Well, if you like it that much, keep it", the owner said. Maka's eyes widened and she smiled. " B-But sir-" "No, you keep it", the owner insisted. "Oh, thank you, sir!" Maka cheered as she left the shop, with the book in her hands.

Not too long after she left the shop, Maka bumped into someone. "Ow!" The book almost fell to the ground. The person laughed. "Belle, didn't see you there", he obviously lied. Maka's eyes widened and she felt a wave of disgust wash over her. "Oh man...I knew Black Star would be Gaston...Damn it, I knew it!"

Black Star - or 'Gaston' in this story - sighed as he took Maka's new book and examined it. "You should quit putting your nose in those books. What will people think after we're married?" Maka's mouth fell open. "I beg your pardon?!" "Belle, we both know I'm the best looking and strongest man in France. I know you secretly have a crush on me." Maka started to feel nauseous. "This dream is turning into a nightmare REAL fast..." Maka tried to remain strong and took her book back. "Sure thing, Gaston..." she said sarcastically, as she was about to return home. "Hey! You'd be crazy to ignore me!" "Just like the inventor", another voice called. Maka stood still. "Tsubaki's Le  Fou. Well, rather La Fou now...Disappointing..." Maka turned to the two with anger in her eyes.  "Don't pick on my father like that!" "Yeah! Don't pick on her dad like that!" Black Star faked to defend her. "My father is a genious-!" Just when Maka said that, a loud explosion could be heard. "Oh, man..."

Quickly, she ran back towards the smoke, ignoring the laughter behind her and found Stein coughing and yelling at himself. "Damn it! I'll throw this thing in the trash!" Maka couldn't help but slightly giggle. "Don't you always say that, Ste-...Father?" "Oh, I mean it this time", he said with determination, as he studied his machine. "Anyway, how was your trip at the market?" Maka sighed. "Oh, as usual...Father, do you think I'm strange?" Stein appeared from under his machine. "Weird? What makes you think that?" he said as he turned his screw a little tighter. "Oh...nothing really..." Maka took her words back.

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