First Person Point Of View (pov)
2:59My is name Riren, I'm 15 years old and a loner and loser. Harsh I know, but I won't deny myself of the truth ,I believe is true, but anyways my family owns a small business in selling car parts in the capital of Germany called Berlin , my mother and father are very supportive people in their own set of minds or ,so I think ? Because their barely even around. I live with aunts Luna and Itzel during the weekends and Friday's , the rest of the week ,I stay at home and relax, but because my aunt friend son came we are having a welcoming party for them to be honest I hate large crowds, so my aunts allowed me too stay in the room if I wanted to, but I denied saying that it was rude and they just nodded, so here am I cooking for the guest , which I don't mind I like cooking actually and I'm really good at following instructions, that's what I've been told so ???
"Riren pass me the red peppers please" I smiled and handed her the peppers as she cuts them into thin slices
"So at what time are the guest coming Itzel " she puts the knife down by the side of the cutting board and lifts the cutting board and pours the red peppers into the pan with red meat as it sizzles
"Mmmmmm around 3 or so" I nodded and finished making the salad my aunt left me in charge as I headed to my room up stairs , my aunts own a four bedroom house with two bathrooms , one room for each of them and one for me and my aunt Luna gaming room , my aunt Itzel has the basement were she keeps her sewing stuff and books. And I have my own bathroom, but aunt Itzel and Luna share one.
As I headed upstairs I stop at the top where there is a picture frame with both aunt Itzel and Luna holding me as a new born baby. I smile as I took a left turn and walk to the end we're my room is as I opened the door I was met with my cat, who jumped off my bed and ran out as I chuckled. My walls were colored dark blue as my ceiling was plain white, with a small bed in the middle and a night stand that has about three drawers and it's colored a light gray. And my desk that has a apple computer with my school stuff neatly placed and on the left side of the room I have a low table with two bean bag chairs and a small Japanese tea set on the table and I have a navy blue carpet with a large mirror hanging by my closet that is near the bean bag chairs. I headed towards my large mirror to see how I look and as I saw my reflection. Neck level dark brown hair and pale skin, dark blue colored eyes , with a open black jacket as my white Bts shirt showed, with navy skinny jeans and black converse."I guess this is the brightest my clothes can go"I sign as I hear a chuckle from behind me and turn around to met a pale skinned, black haired aunt with her bangs dyed blue
"Same boy don't we have problems hon" I smiled at the silly nickname she gave me when I was four
"What time is it Luna" she reached into her pants pocket and took out her phone
"3:48 and I need to shower so see you later " I chuckled and said right as she left running down stairs to claim the bathroom first before Itzel can, Luna and Itzel were up at 6 and haven't changed so they're gonna fight over the rest room, which happens every time their is a party at their house which is rare
"LUNA!"I hear a pound and knew it was my aunt Itzel
To be really honest Luna and Itzel are like my mom and Dad , Itzel being the Mom and Luna being the Dad , so if one day something were to happen to me I have full trust in my aunts
"LUNA !!! If you don't come out and let me take a shower I'm going to kick the door!!" I shook my head as my aunt screamed at Luna
"Well next time be faster!!!" By that time my aunt must be camping by the door of the bathroom
I've decided to take a 15 minute nap, so I set up my alarm and slowly walked towards my door and closed it, and ran to my bed and jumped on it and very slowly fell asleep .
~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~~~
"Knock knock Sleeping Beauty " I groaned as sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw Luna in a plan red shirt and skinny white jeans with brown boots
"What time is it?" I hear her say 4:30 and say that my some of my cousins arrived as I nodded
" are they down stairs ?" She nodded and said that she locked the game room and basement and turned off the wifi, forcing the kids to do something with their lives." ok I'll be down in a bit" she nodded and said to hurry that Jason came. I groaned as I had to now entertain my cousin and have to follow him or else I'm 'ignoring ' him and he starts getting emotional causing a scene.
"Come on my cutie pie get up before I send him up here" I nodded tiredly and got up fixing my hair and grabbed my phone as me and Luna headed down stairs
" I thought you said I could stay in my room" she nodded and said that Jason was asking for me and was annoying her, so she went up to get me"And the guest of the party hasn't arrived yet " I went into the kitchen were it was deserted and grabbed a red cup and filled it with water and stood by the wall and signed as I took a sip, after a while I headed towards my room. As I approach my door, I hear soft cries from the other side of the door. I carefully opened my door and peeked inside to see a stranger sitting on my bed crying his eyes out and decided to come in, but closed the door. As I stood their watching I couldn't help, but think he has it ruff aunt Itzel told me what had happened and what was the situation. I noticed that his ear phones are plugged in, I slowly sat down behind this person ?As his back was facing me, I reach my arms forward and very softly hug him
"Let it all Out, Its Gonna be Ok"