Chapter 10

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"So, how did your meeting go?" Matt asked, opening the passenger door to his truck. He smiled at me before closing the door to his truck and running to the driver's side.

"It was fine, surprisingly," I said after he got into the truck. I pulled my hair into a braided bun and glanced at my mate. "I did not have to kill anyone."

"Yet." Matt smirked, glancing at me. He started the truck and pulled it out of my driveway before grabbing my hand. "You did not have to kill anyone, yet."

"I can kill you," I shot back with a smirk. I felt Matt's hand tighten in my grasp and just snorted because I was amused that he would think I would. "But, I think I am stuck with you." I sighed and shook my head, mockingly.

"I don't know if I should be turned on or scared at the moment," Matt said, bluntly, and I snorted, again. "I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing not having to see you kill someone," he said, randomly.

"It's a good thing," I said, actually glad that he had never seen me kill someone. "Mal saw me kill a Dark Force with just a stick, and I swear that he pissed his pants, even though he says he didn't. He said that he will never get on my bad side again."

Matt tensed and cleared his throat. His eyes were wide, and I could smell a few of his nerves. "I... don't think I want to see you killing someone," he said, honestly. "I know that you might have to kill someone in front of me, but..."

"Would it be a turn on?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. I looked at him, curious as to hear what he had to say.

"A huge turn on," he replied. "Just thinking about it makes me a bit tight in the pants area." He shifted his weight, nervously before squeezing my hand.

My cheeks flared when he said that and looked away. "Oh," I said, clearing my throat. Honestly, I thought that someone never would lust over me, to begin with. I mean, I was just "plain" Martha, the Captain of the basketball team.

Take away my titles, the fact that I was a Halfton, and the fact that Matt and I were meant to be together, and I would be "that" girl. I would be that girl that was chosen last on everything except basketball. I would be that girl that stayed home on a Friday night, eating chocolate and watching Youtube videos. I would be the girl that people saw in the hallways, and they knew my name but didn't know me.

Matt squeezed my hand, breaking me from my thoughts. "Come back to me, Martha," he said, glancing at me. Love and worry shined in his eyes as he looked at me. "You zoned out. Are you alright?" Concern filled his voice, and I couldn't help but wonder as to how lucky I was that I got him.

I took a deep breath and smiled, and I hated how fake it felt. "I'm fine," I replied. I took another deep breath and sighed, looking out the window. I knew that Matt didn't believe me and kind of wished that he would let it drop. "It's just that... I am surprised that I can turn you on," I mumbled, flicking my eyes to the ground.

Matt squeezed my hand, silently encouraging me to go on when I stopped talking. I didn't have to look at him to know that he was glancing at me every so often.

"I am one of those people that... are basically picked last," I said, finally, shrugging my shoulders. I pursed my lips and sighed. "I never thought that I would find someone, ya know? I think of myself as one of those girls with not that many friends." I shrugged. "People know my name but don't know me. I haven't even been invited to a party during my high school years."

"Even though you are the captain of the basketball team?" Matt asked, sound rather shock. "I thought you would be popular with a lot of friends."

I let out a breathless chuckle. "I am one of the least popular people at my school. Not a lot of people want to be my friends. I think I scare them."

Matt chuckled and kissed my hand. "You are popular to me," he said. "If we weren't Halftons nor mated to each other, then I would have found someone like you."

I snorted but didn't say a word. Doubts filled my brain because I wasn't sure what he said was true. He was hot by many female standards, and I was sure that he wouldn't have a problem finding a boyfriend if we have never met.

"Hey, look at me. Please?"

I sighed and looked at him to see the sincerity in his eyes before he turned to look at the road. I stayed silent as he pulled into the burger joint and parked in a parking spot until he turned to look at me.

"I don't know why you doubt yourself, Martha. You are beautiful, inside and out. I would've fallen in love with your spunky attitude, the way that you smile even though I know that it is tough for you to smile. I fell in love with how you did not take shit from anyone and try to be respectful, even if the person wasn't respectful towards you. I love you for you." He cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss. "The way you look is an added bonus."

I kissed him back and laid my forehead against his. My breath was coming in soft pants, and I felt like I was more in love with Matt. "Thank you," I whispered.

Matt pecked my lips. "Anytime," he whispered before opening the door of his truck. "Come on," he said. "I am hungry."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I was glad that I had found someone like Matt and hoped that if what he said was true, even if we were not meant to be together, then I would find someone like him. In a matter of six months, he became my world, and I did not know if that scared me or not.  

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