Me Got Tagged

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I've been tagged by Green_Paladin! Man, it's been a while since I've been tagged. Anyhow, here are the questions!!!!! Thanks for tagging me!

A) What was the last song I listened too?
I listened to three songs, actually
1) Broken by Seether and Amy Lee from Evanescence
2) My Immortal from Evanescence
And 3) Deleted Frozen Outtake, "Life's Too Short"

B) What was the last TV show that I watched?
Hmmm.....Does Fox News count? XD Either that or Chopped

C) Favorite Wattpaders
ninja-forever, Gravity_Faller_1987, Green_Paladin, LauraMasterOfLight, TheFlash832, Emma_Garmadon101, -Kitsune_Mask_Girl-, Turnerstories, and a few others; but I love all of you!!!!!!

D) Favorite video games
Minecraft.That's all I play, sadly. XD

E) What time is it?
I look at the question, then back at you. "..................Why do you wanna know?"

F) How many hours did you sleep last night?
..................OK, now I'm concerned.

G) Top 3 fandoms
1) Ninjago
2) Pokemon
3) Marvel/DC
Or anything superheros/magic/mythology/mythical creatures/aliens/hybrids/mutants/monsters

H) Favorite thing to do
Either writing stories or drawing fanart for either my fanart or fanart for my stories

I) Tag 10 people.

You see this, you are tagged. You don't have to be tagged if you don't want to and you can do the tag if you want to. No pressure!!!!

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