When you are over six feet tall, the first thing that your body needs in the morning is to stretch out all of its very long limbs. As Karlie reached her arms up into the air in an attempt to do just that she felt her hands touch something soft. She directed her gaze upward and found Taylor asleep as she sat upright in Karlie's bed with her head resting against the wall.
Karlie remembered the position she had fallen asleep in, but had they stayed like that all night? She slowly sat up, trying not to disturb the sleeping girl underneath her in the process. But as soon as Karlie shifted her weight she also felt Taylor wake up. As Karlie looked up the blue eyed girl looked at her and gave her a sleepy smile.
"Good morning, sunshine." She said as she started to stretch her arms the same way Karlie had.
"You stayed like that all night?" Karlie asked as she tilted her head to one side.
Taylor laughed at Karlie quietly. This new look for confusion had become a staple for the tall girl any time Taylor did something nice to her. It made Taylor feel good to be able to do nice things for Karlie but it also made her sad that she seemed so surprised every time Taylor was kind to her.
"You really needed sleep, so yes." Taylor said smiling as Karlie started to sit up and leave the bed. "But if I'm being honest I did try to move you once and had zero success so I left you be. Did anyone ever tell you you sleep like a rock?"
Karlie's smile faded as Taylor finished her sentence. That was something Josh had always teased her about. It was as if Taylor could read Karlie's mind and knew she was remembering things about her now ex boyfriend. The blue eyed girl quickly sat up and wrapped her arms around Karlie's waist and pulled her backwards and closer towards her.
"It's okay, everything is going to be okay." Taylor said quietly with her face buried in Karlie's back. Taylor made a very important note to remember how Karlie smelled like a spring morning. It was a crisp and bright scent and Taylor was sure it had a more awakening effect on her than a cup of coffee ever could.
As the shorter girl loosened her grip, Karlie started to move forward and ready herself for the morning. She shook her head quickly as if trying to shake the memories of Josh loose from her mind and gathered clothes to head to the bathroom to change.
"Hey, do you mind if I search for something to wear while you're in there?" Taylor asked just before Karlie closed the door.
"Sure," Karlie said and made her exit, leaving Taylor in the room by herself.
Taylor looked around the room as she continued to wake herself up. Selena was nowhere to be found but when the blonde looked at her phone she saw she had a message from Selena saying that she and Ed were going to the library to work on their music theory papers. She laughed a little at the fact that her friends had left the paper til the last minute when she was finished with it days ago. Taylor texted a quick reply and Selena responded almost right away asking how Karlie was this morning. The two messages back and forth for a bit both expressing their concern for their friend as Taylor searched for some of Karlie's clothes to borrow. She found a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater and tried to slip into them quickly before Karlie emerged from the bathroom.
"Oh, shit! Sorry!" Karlie says and Taylor nearly jumps out of her skin as she quickly pulls the sweater over her head. Karlie couldn't help but continue to stare at Taylor as she finished dressing and putting the dirty clothes she had removed into the laundry basket.
"No that's alright I should have waited until you were done in the bathroom. I'm sorry." Taylor says blushing as she tries to busy herself around the room.
Karlie is so busy admiring Taylor that it doesn't even register that she had been speaking to her.
"So Selena and Ed are at the library, and they'll be gone most of the day trying to get a paper done." Taylor continues when Karlie doesn't respond for a minute. "And I didn't realize how late it was, we seriously overslept." She gathers up her clothes from the night before and puts them in her bag as she talks. "I should really, um, get going back to my place...I've got a lot to do to get ready for classes this week..." She finally stops and stands in front of Karlie who had been watching her the whole time from the bathroom doorway. "Mind if I use it now?" She says which seems to snap Karlie out of whatever trance she is in.

Incredible Things
FanfictionKaylor AU. The girls meet while attending their first semester at college.