chapter thirteen

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Mrs. Jackson screamed in horror when she found Charlie and his girlfriends outside. They were the same as Alice had left them last night, but their skin was white and flies cluttered around their eyes and mouth. "Murder!" She screamed. "Murder!"

         The sudden screams of horror awoke Alice almost instantly. She sat upright, and glanced around the room. She saw some of the children huddling each other, whimpering. Alice saw Nick curled up in his blankest, and Jess grabbing her pillow tight, screaming. "The murderer killed again!" Jess screamed. "We're gonna die!"

         Alice spotted Sarah in her bed, eyes wide with fear as she glanced in all directions. The demon inside Alice was still in control, so Alice was not screaming like everyone else was. She acted like everything was normal. She acted like Charlie was not killed, nor any of his ugly girlfriends. As a matter of fact, her muscles lifted her lips into a quick, evil smile.

         The true Alice was screaming inside. The one little bit of Alice that was left inside her possessed, evil body was truly horrified. The demon was growing stronger by each passing second. And when the demon reaches its full potential, Oak Vale would become a butcher house.

          Alice got up from her bed, and left. Sarah saw her leave, and followed. The halls were silent, which was different to Alice, for she remembered that every morning at this time, children would be walking to the Lunchroom for food, all dressed and ready for school.

          Alice took a swift turn into the girls' restroom. Just as she closed the door, she became overwhelmed with memories. In a flash, she saw herself cutting the head off Ms. Wellsworth with a shard of glass. Alice could smell the blood again. She could hear the old woman scream again. Before, Alice would feel horrified. Now she no longer felt the same. She felt more powerful, and evil. "I can't believe I was such a coward," she muttered. "Now, I am strong."

         Alice turned on the sink and cupped her hands like a hobo would. She felt the water cool her palms, and then her face once she splashed the water on it. Suddenly, Alice heard the bathroom door open. She flinched, and saw Sarah standing there. "What are you doing?" She asked.

         "Washing my face," Alice replied blankly.

         Sarah stared at Alice. But she didn't question her nor try to help Alice like she usually did. She just turned and left. Before she shut the door, Alice saw Sarah's hand twitch. Alice shrugged, and continued to wash up.

          A few minutes passed, then Alice exited the restroom. She walked down the hall, towards the flight of stairs that leads to the entrance. She passed by one of Nick's friends, Willy Edmond. He pushed his long hair back, and elbowed Alice when she passed. Alice turned quickly and glared at the asshole with furious eyes. Willy only gave her the finger and said, "Fuck off and watch where you're going, witch."

         Alice had the sudden urge to attack. She felt the demonic power inside her spike, and her finger tips sting. "Soon," she muttered beneath her breath, "Willy will suffer the same pain Charlie and his whores did. Nick will die too." She saw the stairs ahead, and quickened her pace.

        That can happen, hissed a cold, deathly voice in Alice's head.

         Alice's true personality sparked, just for a second. "No," Alice muttered, starting to weep. "I won't kill."

         Then the demon began to destroy the little light in Alice, like the quenching of a candle. "Yes, you will kill," Alice growled. Moments after that, Alice's personalities turned off and on, evil from good.

         "I will not murder!" Alice whimpered.

         "Yes, you will drink blood of all who live here."

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