Chapter 4

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Cameron's P.O.V.

I wanted to do a sneak attack on Aviana so while she was hitting Kristen I snuck up on her. She turned around when I was about to swing and when I did, I could tell she was trying to duck but she didn't duck fast enough. I hit her and I was laughing at first because she lost her balance and fell over. Then I heard a loud smack and she hit the floor. Everyone stopped.

"Aviana?" I said. No movement.

"Avi?" Alyssa yelled.


I ran over to her and lifter the hair out of her face and seen blood everywhere.

"CALL 911 NOW!! WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!!" I screamed.

I seen Justin running his fingers through his hair while giving our location to the police. Matt was trying to calm down Alyssa and Kristen because they were crying hysterically and I was on the floor with Avi's unconscious body in my arms holding onto her.

About 10 minutes later we heard a knock on the door and I picked Avi up and carried her towards the stretcher that was set up in the hallway. The paramedics took her from me and ran down the hallways with her and into the back of the ambulance.

"Get in the car and meet us at the hospital!" I yelled to Matt while running with the paramedics.

"Woah woah woah immediate family only." One of the paramedics said holding me back.

"Let me in the fucking ambulance! I'm not going away until you let me on." I yelled at him and he finally let me on seeing as I wouldn't give it up.

The ride took about 15 minutes and the whole time the medic was trying hooking up all of these tubes to her arms. I sat back and watched with tears in my eyes as he was working on her, trying to wake her up. We finally made it to the hospital and we all got out rushing her into the emergency room.

"I need some help!" The medic yelled and signaled a doctor over to us.

They took her away and this time I knew I wouldn't be able to go. I went and sat in the waiting room and waited for everyone else to get here. About 5 minutes later, they all showed up rushing to my side asking what they were doing with her.

"I dont know what they're doing. They just took her away they didn't tell me anything." I said with a stray tear rolling down my cheek.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Alyssa asked still crying like she was in the dorm room.

"I don't fucking know Alyssa I told you they didn't tell me anything." I snapped at her causing her to jump back.

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared." She whispered calming down a bit.

"I know sis. Me too." I relaxed a little and lulled her into an imbrace, kissing the top of her forehead and rubbing her hair.

We were in the waiting room for about an hour before a doctor came out to talk to us.

"Who's here with Ms. Prescott?" He asked looking around the room.

All of us stood up and his gaze shot towards us.

"Ahh." He said walking our way. "Well. She has major head trama. It seems she hit the corner of the table when you were messing around and it knocked her into a coma. She's stable but we dont know how long it will be until she wakes up. We also won't know the results of her injuries until she wakes up. She may or may not have brain trama, a fractured skull, amnesia, severe memory loss, etc. You may go back and see her but like I said, she won't be awake."

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