Jeff the Killer x Reader LEMON Part 1

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What's a Lemon?

You were laying on your bed like normal watching Netflix and YouTube while eating a family sized bag of Doritos. You sat up and licked the cheese dust off your fingers, feeling quite bored with watching things for the fourth or fifth time. You decided on your favorite past time instead, reading fanfiction, especially lemons. You chose your favorite creepypasta, Jeff the Killer, to look up.

You typed it into the search bar and looked for new ones that you haven't read yet. Once you found a good looking one you settled back down on your bed laying on your back, and being stupid, your phone above your face.

You start getting into the *cough* good part and your face was ablaze with your imagination running wild, when you heard your mom call you for dinner downstairs. You jumped slightly making your phone slip and landing square on your nose, making you feel like a pug and bringing water to your eyes.

You run downstairs throwing your phone against the pillow in anger before you leave and shutting the door behind you. Just because you were an only child didn't mean you didn't have secrets to keep. Parents are really nosy, especially when it came to your love life. If that's what you could even call it to begin with, you haven't even had a boyfriend yet!

You got to the bottom of the staircase and looked through the door frame into the kitchen and saw you mom fixing plates for you and your father. Everyone ate by themselves, no one really wondered why, it was something that the three of you did because of habit.

"Thanks for the lasagna mom. It looks delicious!" you looked at her with one of your heart-melting closed eyed smiles.

"You're very welcome. Now go eat before it gets cold." she says with care, ushering you back to the stairs.

You wander back up the steps taking your time because she piled it a little too high for your liking. You got to your door, this time you heard shuffling on the other side. You put the plate of food on the table beside the door and slowly put your hand on the door knob. You swung it open quickly and saw him sitting there on your bed with a phone in his hand.


You panicked and ran towards him and jerked the phone out of his hands, looking at him terrified. But, of course, not for the right reasons. He looked up from his, now empty, hand to look at you in surprise. You turned around and deleted your browser history so that if you did die, you would be clean of everything dirty.

You closed the door and huffed a breath, turned back around to find him standing right behind you. You looked up at him and started talking before you lost the ability to.

"Hello." you muttered, pushing past him and sitting in the computer chair at your desk across the room.

Jeff's POV

'"Hello?" is that really all she has to say?!' I thought to myself in complete shock. She sat down at a desk and fired up a laptop that looked that it needed someone to put it out of its misery.

"Hi, I guess" I say quietly trying not to startle her from what she's doing. 'What is she doing?' I thought walking closer the the back of the chair, crossing my arms over it casually.

Unfortunately she wasn't doing much of anything except for some online gaming. I looked closer and noticed it was a game that BEN played quite often. I gently took the mouse out of her hand and looked in her friends list and, sure enough, his avatar was sitting high and mighty at the top. Guess he was watching her too.


'I wonder who else has been stalking her other than us?' I thought taking my hand off the mouse and sauntering over to the bed and flopping down on it, resting my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling letting my imagination take over.

That was a bad idea in its entirety because as soon as I did my mind started to wander to the bad side of my brain. I thought about before she came in before....

I was walking through the woods thinking of the brutal killing I had made a couple of hours ago. It was one of the best ones that I had done yet and I was super excited about the next one. I looked through the trees at a faint glow coming from a familiar window.  It was an average house in an average street in an average town, and yet you had somehow caught his interest and he had followed you everywhere since then, though you would never find out. 

I climbed a large tree that overlooked her window and settled down on my favorite branch so that I could see what she was up to.  She was on her bed staring intently at her phone.  I could make out rows of words but not what they said.  She looked up suddenly and I froze for a moment thinking she might have spotted me but then she dropped the phone on her face and shot out the door.

'Let's go give her a surprise!' I thought in my head excitedly.

  I crawled to the end of the branch and cracked open her window.

When I got my body inside I sat on her bed and noticed that her phone was on and sitting on the pillow next to me and started reading what was displayed across it. 

Jeff the Killer LEMON

'I wonder what a lemon is?' I thought to myself while I half-assed read through a paragraph before a slender hand had snatched the phone out of mine.  I paused for a moment surprised before I looked up into scared (e/c) eyes.  I instantly regretted coming into the house  and scaring her so badly.  She didn't call for help though, I wonder why? She turned around and I took the chance to stand behind her and I took a deep breath inhaling her scent practically.  'She smells soooo good!' I thought my head lolling to the side slightly.  She  stepped forward slightly to close and lock the door, sending my thoughts places they shouldn't be going. 

She turned around and bumped into me making my heart jump out of my chest practically with excitement.  I thought she might of heard my heart beat when she pushed past me.  Didn't she know that I killed people for a living?!

***End of Flashback***

Your POV

'I hope he didn't read too much of the story before I got to him...' I thought with utter and complete embarrassment.  I always secretly hoped that they existed in the real world somewhere, but I never thought he would be so close.

Suddenly you heard a raspy voice behind you ask quietly, "What's a lemon?"

All of the color immediately left my face and then turned a bright shade of firetruck crimson as I swiveled around in your computer chair to face his direction.  "W-what are y-you talking a-about?" you stuttered trying desperately not to trip over your own words.

"Lemon? It was something that you were reading earlier. Geez, don't tell me it just popped up by itself?", he said incredibly sarcastic giving you a sideways glance that almost brought you to your knees .

I thought it over in my head on what to do with his question, having my stomach doubling over and twisting in my body with the anticipation on what he would say afterwards.  'I think if I let him read the story it may be just a little bit less awkward to explain' I thought to myself biting my lip unconsciously.

I decided to look up the story you had been reading and just shove the phone in his general direction, not daring to look in his bright and harsh gaze.  He looked at the phone a minute then took it hesitantly.  It took him a minute to adjust his eyes to the white screen and then started to read while I got up from my seat and went to sit and cry in my closet with my knees pressed to my chest.

After a while all you could hear was the deafening silence as everything went quiet in your room.  You let out a squeak as you heard your parents as they told you through your bedroom door that they were leaving to go drinking with their friends.  The last thing you heard before the silence settling in again was the front door slam shut.  And then Nothing.

It was a bit exhilarating  to hear nothing but your breathing and your slight heartbeat.  Then out of the silence you heard a loud sigh and HIM calling you to his side, but you being quite wary of what he was reading decided it would be best if you stayed in the closet.

That's what you thought would be best until you heard your bed let out a muffled creak and footsteps leading to your closet.  Then a good amount of silence.  I got down onto all fours to look underneath the door when the door swung open hitting me straight in the forehead leading to a pretty good gash on my cheek leading up to my eye, which will most likely be black and blue in the morning. 

"Owie ow owow" I gasped as I reached up the the cut, "I can't believe you just hit me with my own door."

I looked up at him only to come to the blunt and short conclusion that he may or may not have finished the fanfic.  Because the look he was giving me was bone-chilling, but not in the way I would have thought.  He was staring at me with wide eyes but truly inspecting me with a certain look in his eyes.

   Most people would have called it lust and passion.  That wasn't what I saw in those blue orbs. I saw something more raw and unchained.  It was the look of a predator on the hunt and it turns out I was the prey.


I know i'm so late it is literally a crime and so is that cliffhanger and all the cringe but I hope yall enjoy it anyways. Ill try to get part 2 out as soon as possible due to the making up of work i need to do on here and I actually have to know how it ends up as well.

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