Chapter five | Beach day

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I was going out with the boys to the beach. I was really nervous and didn't want to wear a bikini, so I chose a big white t-shirt to wear over it. Since walking around in a bikini is basically like waking around in just underwear it felt awkward. "Y/N, are you ready to go?" Taehyung asks me as I got my things. "Yup! Let's go." I say and run over to put on my sandals. Me and Taehyung go outside and get in the car and drive to the beach where we meet up with the boys.


"Y/N! Hyung! You made it!" Jungkook yelled when he saw us arrive. "Sheesh, can you get any louder?" I can hear Yoongi say. We walk over to where they were and put our stuff around the others. "Welcome Y/N-ah, glad to see you could make it.~" Jimin sais and looks at me. "Yah, you're not glad to see I could make it?" Taehyung asks and looks at Jimin. "Taehyung, he didn't mean it like that." I say and look at Taehyung. "Alright fine." He sais back and smiles. I begin taking off my shorts so I can go into the water later, I still keep my t-shirt on though. "Yah, Y/N you're no fun.~" Jimin sais when he notices I'm not taking off my shirt. "Byuntae." I say and put on my sunscreen. "Do you need help with that?" Jin asks and walks over to me. "Yeah, could you do my back?" I answer Jin and he looks at me with big eyes. "But doesn't that mean I'll have to take off your shirt?" He asks and looks at me, still looking at me with big eyes. "No, not really. You just have to lift it up slightly." I say and hand him the sunscreen. "Alright." He sais and did as I said. "Thanks eomma.~" I say and hug Jin when he's done helping me. "No problem.~" He sais and hugs me back. "Y/N-AH~" Hoseok yells from the water. "Come and join me in the water!" He continues. "Coming!" I yell back and leave my sunglasses on my towel.

"Y/N, why are you wearing a shirt? We're at the beach, plus me and the boys aren't wearing any." Hoseok asks. "Well Hoseok, you boys dont really have anything to hide now do you?" I say. "Yeah we do, that's why we're wearing swim trunks." He sais and looks at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. "Well then you would understand why I'm wearing a shirt, wouldn't you?" "Wait... are you not wearing anything under that shirt?!" He sais misunderstanding the situation. "No Hobi that's not-" "GUYS WE NEED TO GO HOME Y/N ISN'T WEARING A BIKINI TOP." He yells so basically everyone at the beach hears. Can I hide underwater without drowning myself? "Hoseok. That wasn't what I meant." "Oh, then what did you mean?" He asks as he gives me a confused look. "That I feel exposed since, first of all I'm basically only wearing underwear when I'm in a bikini. Second, because I'm the only girl with you guys right now." I say and see Jimin running over to me and Hoseok with Taehyung following right behind. "JIMIN, DON'T YOU DARE." I hear Taehyung yell as Jimin arrives. "So, Y/N. You're not wearing anything under your shirt?" Jimin asks with a smirk on his face. "Stop being a pervert Jimin. It was a missunderstanding." I say and Taehyung finally arrives at the spot where me and Hoseok were standing. "Y/N... did he... do anything?" Taehyung asks panting from running. "Well you have eyes, he obviously didn't do anything." I say and look at him. "Then Y/N, why are you wearing a shirt?" "Yeah.. I don't really get it either." "Jimin, Taehyung, I'm not making you yell the same thing Hoseok did..." "We won't.~" I didn't want to explain it all again. "Will you guys stop bugging me if I take off my shirt and only wear a bikini while we're here?" I ask and look at them. They all nod and I walk back to our spot where Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook were just chilling. I take off my shirt and notice Jungkook looking at me. "What is it Jungkook?" I ask and look at him. "He's looking at you because you look sexy in a bikini Y/N." Yoongi sais casually. "Wh-.." "No, I wasn't!" Jungkook sais and looks a bit embarrased. His cheeks were flushed, it looked cute. "Yoongi! You can't just say that! It'll make her uncomfortable!" Jin sais and gives Yoongi a death stare. "I was just saying what was going on in my head, sorry for being an honest hoe." I was just standing there frozen, looking at Yoongi, kind of amazed of how he talked to his hyung. I silently left and went back to the water. "See, that's more like it." Jimin sais and looks at me. "Quit it." I say and walk over to Hobi instead. "Denied." I hear Taehyung say to Jimin before chuckling followed by an 'ow!'. We all play for a bit in the water before we go up to dry. We chat for a bit before we all decide to go home. But of course me and Taehyung weren't going to our own home, we were going to the dorm Taehyung used to live in along with the boys.


When we arrive at their dorm we had taken McDonald's food with us, since it was around lunch. We all sit down around the coffee table in the living room and watch TV while eating. "Y/N could I show you around the dorm? Like our rooms and stuff." Jungkook asked looking at me with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Of course, I'd love that." I say and give him a smile. We walk around the dorm and chat for a bit before we get to their rooms. "So, this is Yoongi hyung's room. He has his music things in there, like a mixer or something like that." "Like a blender?" I say teasingly and look at him. "Yah, you know what I mean!" He sais as we go on to the next room. "This is Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's room." "They share a room?" "Yeah, it was like that before Taehyung moved out, and after he moved out none of them wanted to move in to Taehyung's old room since they were both comfortable with each other." "Do they share a bed?" (I low key ship them so pls don't hate me.) "No, they have separate beds." Jungkook answers and opens the door to their room. "As you can see Namjoon has an obsession with this yellowish bear like creature." "It's a lion named Ryan, Jungkook." "Anyways.... Jin hyung also has an obsession but with Mario, he has alot of plushies and figurines of him." He sais and we walk to the next room. "This is Jimin's room. He doesn't really obsess over anything except himself." "He takes alot of selcas I'm guessing?" Jungkook nods before speaking. "Mhm, at least 20 per day. Imagine how many that would be on a year." "That would be 7 300 selcas in a year if he takes 20 per day." "Wait how did you-..." "What?" "Nevermind, moving on. This is Hoseok's room he dances and does stuff like that in his room." "My room isn't big enough for that, I wish it was though. But that still wouldn't help since I can't dance." "I bet you can, anyways last room is mine. There's nothing really special in there just things from before I graduated." "Did you graduate recently?" "Yeah, I did." We chatted a little longer before it was time for me and Taehyung to go home. We exchanged our goodbye's and left.

"That was nice, wasn't it?" Taehyung asks on our way home. "Yeah, except for the fact that Jimin was being a pervert and Hoseok yelled loud enough for probably the whole beach to hear, I had a great time." I say and laugh a bit. "I'm really sorry about that, Jimin's just really weird around girls." "It's no big deal, it's over isn't it?" (I realized that "It's over isn't it?" is a song in Steven Universe...) I say and smile at Taehyung. "Yeah, you did good today. Thanks for letting me enjoy a day at the beach with you and the boys." "No problem.~" I say as we arrive at home.

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