Reals friends are fake.
Did you know that you couldnt be killed, even if you were shot in the head?
Only if you were on crack.
She didnt die. Because she was high off crack.
Bennii and jayson ran off in his car. Jay stayed as they swerved away.
He ran into the crack house and found Joey on his way out.
"You must want to go to jail?" Joey shouted running out the door.
Jay dropped to his knees and held Jade in his arms.
He cried silently as the crack heads watched.
He quickly called 911 and waited holding her in his arms. Blood was on his face,shirt,pants,arms and shoes.
Jade had blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Thick blood was tangled in her hair and the bullet hole was deep. It sat deep into her scalp. IT ran down her back and onto her face.
Jay saw the ambulance rush in and take her into their care.
"Can I ride to the hospital?!" Jay shouted in tears as they began to close the ambulance doors.
They looked around and allowed him in.
He sat next to a air pump and watched a they tried to revive her.
"Clear!" The man shouted.
Yn glanced a Jade in the hospital bed. Her finger was over her upper lip and her thumb sat under her chin. She breathed heavy every second she thought of who did this to jade.
Yn was the only one in the room.
She couldnt do anything but watch the green monitor beep upward and fall right back down.
Suddenly, Jay walked in still wearing bloody clothes.
"Hi Ms.-" Jay began.
"What's up." Yn said sternly not looking at him.
"Well, uh-" Jay was interrupted again.
"Who did it." Yn said again.
"Well I-"
"I ASKED FOR A NAME." Yn said giving him full eye contact.
Jay took a deep breath and then swallowed the frog in his throat that was keeping him from crying.
"Bennii." Jay sighed looking down at his bloody jordans.
Yn sighed heavily and stared at the wall.
"Were you apart of it?" She asked.
"No but-"
"Thats all I wanted to know. You wont be dying." Yn said.
Jay's eyes widen.
"Your going to kill her?" Jay asked.
"I dont think thats any of you problem." Yn replied.
"Wait, you cant kill her."
"Im pretty sure I cant do anything I would like. Im grown." Yn snarled.
"Yeah! But shes a minor! You can go to jail!"
"How about you lower your voice or youll end up right back on my killing list." Yn hissed.
Yn quickly turned her head to Jay and grilled him.
Then, Ray walked in with guns in his hands. He tossed one to Yn and sat on the other side of Jay.
Jay widen his eyes at Ray as Ray glared at him.
"You are?" Ray said.
"Im Jay." Jay gulped.
"And your here for?" Ray asked.
"Jade. She was with me when she died."
Ray instantly shoved his gun onto Jays temple.
"This may be an hjospital but this doesnt mean I wont finish yo' ass right here." Ray hissed.
"No.No You go the story mixed." Jay stutered.
"Then explain it." Ray said lowering the gun.
"A couple of weeks ago, Bennii was planning to Kill jade. And she had ym brother join what she was doing. Benniii decided she'll get crack and persuade Jade to do it. So Jade was under peer presure and did it. Right after that. Bennii shot her in the head, and left her there to die. I had nmothing to do with this, it's just that, I was with them and i had to call 911 for her!" Jay explained. "I'm so sorry! I should have told someone....Oh I did!"
"Who did you tell?" Ray snarled.
"Most people know him by Dee." Jay said.
Both Yn and Ray turned to him slowly.
"Yeah, Dee he used to hand with Po." Jay explained. "They were the two top best drug dealers in the COUNTRY!"
Yn stared at Ray who's jaw was nearley touching the floor.
"Why yall so surprised?" jay asked switching his eyes from Yn to Ray.
"Call everyone." Yn said clenching her fist.
There it goes.
Hell will once again break out of its cage.

This Is My Story. II.
AdventureDidnt think that just when shit was going to be okay, MORE SHIT SHOW UP! But, I guess this wasnt it. The family sinks more and more into a hole until someone shows the way out." In the daily streets you walk on, will be the daily street that'll kill...