Chapter 11 - Heartache

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It had been four days since Steel's surgery and the entire crew was tense. The days went by the same but without their captain it wasn't the same. Tungsten stood in for Steel in her absence, jobs were completed, supplies were gathered but there was no singing or cheering on the Bandit. It was just a long wait until the captain of the MetalMaker pirates would awaken.

Rook stood at the helm of the airship gazing out into the distance. The sight of the bright blue ocean and the smell of the sea calmed her nerves and relaxed her. Steel's recovery was going without a hitch but why did she still feel so uneasy? Tungsten felt the same way. It's as if they were sailing in suspense, awaiting a storm or an attack of some sort.

While the captain has been indisposed Rook took it upon herself to decipher the map and analyze the ruby they gained from the island. So far no luck. The only information that she could gather was that there were some kind of black markings on the gem, which was even more confusing.

Rook let out a large sigh and closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of the breeze. The tap of metal paws broke her out of her trance like state. The familiar sight of Mecha and her wagging tail brought a smile to her face. Rook knelt down to pet her mechanical friend. The animatronic dog nuzzled into her hand and let out a small bark.

"I know." Rook sighed once more and sat down on the deck next to her dog. She leaned her back against the side of the ship and Mecha curled herself against her creator, placing her head on Rook's leg. "This is a pretty crap situation we're in now... isn't it?"

Mecha let out a whine in response and slightly moved her head in understanding. Rook leant her head against the hard wood of the Bandit.

"What am I going to do Mecha... I'm so conflicted... I want to stay on the Bandit more than anything... But if I stay I'll just be putting everyone else in danger... The emperor of New Japan must have noticed my absence and is probably searching for me... I don't know what to do..." Rook felt the rare burning of unshed tears behind her eyes. To prevent any of her tears from escaping she closed her eyes, tilted her head up and rested an arm on her head. Mecha raised her mechanical body and nuzzled into Rooks neck, trying her best to offer some comfort to the distressed woman.

A loud shout was heard from the crow's nest and Platinum's dark blue bandanna could be seen poking out from the edge of it.

"MARINE SHIP INCOMING!" Platinum shouted down to Tungsten. Said giant stood upon the helm gripping the wheel with white knuckles.

"HOW LONG?" Tungsten bellowed back to the musician. Platinum raised a hand and started to count on his fingers.

"I'D SAY THREE MINUTES" Platinum's voice shook in fear and who could blame them? Their captain was injured and indisposed, they had no fuel to fly, the Bandit was slower in the sea than the sky and everyone's morale was dangerously low. This was the worst time that they could have attacked the Bandit. Rook jumped to her feet and looked to the horizon and sure enough there sailed a large government made marine ship. Rook ran and snatched a watch glass from Aluminum, which earned a small 'Hey!' in response.

Rook returned to the side of the ship and looked through the glass and sure enough there he was. The same captain as last time. His black hair swaying in the wind and his green eyes determined.

'What did Steel say his name was... Liam? Leonard? Lionel?'

There was no time for that now, the ship was approaching... and fast. Rook quickly ran inside and down into the armory, the scent of gunpowder oddly calming. Titanium was there already, he was moving quickly in a panicked state. His eyes screamed fear. Rook approached him cautiously and put a hand on his shoulder.


"Calm down, we'll get through this like always" Rook tried to comfort him, it seemed to work because he took a deep breath and stopped moving.

"Si... Si you are right" Titanium went back to work. He skillfully loaded guns and started to bring them above deck.

Rook scanned the area observing the variety of weapons that littered to room. Swords, axes, lances etc.

A large boom sounded throughout the ship and the Bandit shook urging Rook to hurry. She saw the attractive glint of metal at the back of the room urging her to go and collect whatever it was, it was difficult to get to the back of the room whilst the Bandit was swaying but she managed to do it. She wrapped her fingers around a long piece of metal and drew a rifle near her. This was the same rifle she used to kill the leader of the sirens. The metal felt familiar in her hands and she immediately knew that this was the weapon that she would use.

Rook scurried back out above deck where a large naval battle was taking place. Both ships were firing mercilessly at each other in the hopes that one would surrender. Tungsten stood at the helm barking orders for the crew to reload and to fire the large cannons that occupied the side of the ship. Rook loaded her rifle and took aim at the opposition. She felt calm and collected, she was in her element with a gun in her hand and people to protect. Rook fired quickly at the marines not missing a shot, some were just wounded others went down never to get up again but it seemed that they just kept multiplying.

The sound of a door slamming open seemed foreign in this battle torn environment but the voice that followed belonged here more than anyone.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOIN' ON HERE!" Rook turned to the door and there stood the captain of the Bronze Bandit leaning up against the doorframe still bandaged and weary. She had not put on any of her equipment so she had no weapons to fight with. Rook rushed to her friend and slung her arm around her lifting her from the frame. Steel groaned in pain and raised a hand to her bandaged eye. She had not healed yet so she must stay inside.

"Steel you need to get back inside!" Rook yelled over the cannon noise. The crew looked towards their captain for a slight moment before resuming their fight with new determination flooding through their veins like wild fire.

"There ain't no way Im goin' back in there while me crew is out here riskin' their lives." Steel was panting. It was evident that she was still in a bit of pain and that she was still exhausted. She was in no condition to fight.

"You must" Rook pleaded with the stubborn woman.

"I WON'T" Steel yelled at the inventor while standing up on her own with difficulty. She confidently took a step into the fray, she slowly made her way to the helm and took the wheel from Tungsten.

"Captain I don-" Tungsten started to protest her actions.

"Stop, ye know it won't work. Now get yer ass in gear and go kill some navy fuck's" Steel stood confidently at the wheel expertly maneuvering the ship in to an optimal battle position.

Tungsten sighed and left to assist Copper at the middle cannon. Rook stood below and frowned at Steel, she was being too reckless with her health she needs more time.

The enemy cannon fire slowed as soldiers of all shapes and sized swung onto the deck of the bandit. A no holds bar fight broke out on the deck. Steel had faith in her crew so she did not need to worry about them. What she did need to worry about was keeping herself standing and observing the enemy ship. The thud of landing boots was heard from behind her. As quickly as she could manage, she locked the wheel and whirled around to face her attacker. She swiftly sent out a right hook but it was easily caught.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: févr. 21, 2017 ⏰

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