Chapter 3- Party OverLoad

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~Rachel's Pov~


I woke up, on the floor next to Emma. I don't remember anything..(Not a hangover!!!-.- They are not underage drinking!! haha.) I looked over at the couch, and saw one of the guys sitting at the end of the couch(Mitch, she doesnt know their names...), the other guy in the middle of the couch, right next to the one on the end(Jerome in the middle.) And Kendra, laying on the couch, with her legs over the arm rest, and her head on the guy on the middle of the couch.(Awww!!! :3)

I punched Emma in the arm.

"Owww!" Emma screamed, as I put my hand over her mouth

"Shhhh!!" I said. pointing to the couch

"Aww!!" She said, "Kendra is sleeping on Jerome's lap." "So that's his name" I thought out loud.

"Oh, yeah.. I forgot to tell you.. The one on the middle of the couch is Jerome, and the one on the end is Mitch." She said

"Oh, Okay! So, whats the deal with all three of them? Like, is Kendra dating one of them or what?" I asked, really confused.

"Uhhh, no... She's not dating one of them... They have been best friends since 3rd grade... They have a really close bond. I used to, until I met you!" She said, smiling.(Awww!!! :3)

"Okay!! I'm Hungy!!!" I complained

"Lets go get some food!!! To teh kitchen!!!"

-----------------------------~Mitch's Pov~


I woke up on a couch, next to Jerome... I looked down, because I was about to get up(Yes, I do this when I'm about to get up...) and saw Kendra's head on his lap.. I knew Jerome had a huge crush on Kendra, so who knew how he would be when he woke up..

I took a picture and posted it on instagram, Tagging both Kendra and Jerome...

I heard rustling in the kitchen, so I got up to investigate

I walked into a kitchen, with food everywhere

"What the hell!?!" I said, walking in

"Ummm...." I heard Emma start

"We were trying to make Pancakes.." Rachel finished

"I see... Well, let me show you the way to do it!"



I will put the rest of the people's povs in the next chapter... It will be the same day, but more Pov's!! :) Anyways, Hope you enjoyed! Peace out, my Candy Pandas!!


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