(5) A Winter's Tale

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There was nothing to say, really.

There was really nothing to do but keep hold of Cas's hand, and keep reading.

I gotta at least read the rest, thought Dean, staring at Cas's hand. I gotta read the whole story.

I owe him that much.

Dean turned the page.


Sunday, the first day of December.

I've done it.

I bought a car.

I got my 3rd paycheck. It brought my savings to an astonishing $667.58, and after some difficult negotiating I managed to come to an agreement with Demetrios on a price of $500 for his father's old car. Apparently he considers this a scandalously low offer (though it seems outrageously high to me) - but Demetrios's wife whispered to me at one point, over baklava and coffee, that it's a very old car and has "some quirks" and needs new tires. So I stuck to my offer. Then today Demetrios said he has had no other offers, and that he and his wife like the idea of giving it to me, so he has accepted my offer!

I'm sitting in it right now! I managed to get it back here to the Gas n Sip's parking lot. There seem to be some details about traffic lights and signs and road customs that I should probably learn about. And a few things about steering and braking. Also there's quite a lot of levers and buttons. It's not as intuitive as flying. But I think I can learn; Audrey at the library has pointed me to some information about driving regulations. Demetrios told me I need to get new "plates" for it— I take it he meant the numbers that are bolted to the front and back of the car— and a new "registration," but of course I can't do any of that sort of thing. So I've left Demetrios's father's numbers on it for now. I'm going to have to be extremely cautious about not attracting attention. I'm planning to spend all afternoon reading the driving regulations and memorizing the owner's manual, and then all evening I'll practice steering it around, in the parking lots at the university.

It's a gold colored car. It's called a "Continental,", which I take to mean that it is suited for long drives across the continent; that should be good for a hunter's car. It's quieter than Dean's car, and it doesn't seem to go very fast, but it runs, and the seats are very comfortable, and the heater works. It's bigger than Dean's; it's wide enough that I think I could sleep in the back seat if I need to. And there's a lot of room in the trunk for bodies and weapons.

I don't know what Dean would think of it. He'd undoubtedly have some kind of opinion.

For some reason I suspect he wouldn't like it.

But I like it. I think the gold is pretty. It's warm. It's comfortable. And it's mine, and I got it by myself.


NOTE: Must remember to steer with my hands and NOT my tail— surprisingly hard to break that reflex from flying. Must remember I'm not in my true form and this vessel doesn't have a tail. Twisting my rear end around in the seat does not help make the car turn. Must use the steering wheel.


Monday, the second day of December.

Finally got the steering sorted out, I think.

And I've been shopping.

Every store is suddenly very different. They're all full of conifer trees now, and conifer branches everywhere, twisted into circles and hung on the doors, and little electric lights everywhere. It's all Christmas decorations, it turns out. Even though Christmas is weeks away. I haven't been on Earth for Christmas before. It's remarkable how they seem to still using the pagan rituals from thousands of years ago; I remember some of these customs from the time of Stonehenge. It seems though that the origin of the customs has been forgotten. It's all really a pagan solstice ritual, of course, but somehow it's drifted 4 days later than the actual solstice and been blended with Heavenly symbology related to the birth of Christ (who was not actually born in December at all, if I recall correctly).

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