Anaki stone 008

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So what comes afterward?

Living with anaki hasn't changed much of my life as I would have thought.

Other than my parents and brother already accepting him as part of the family.

This didn't seem to change his personality, though.

But what about his illness?

Well, it's not cured. Just reduced.

The stone had only manifested in the arms and the nape of his neck.

The black coat his sister had given him covered it so he could attend classes,

The teachers didn't seem to mind either. As long as his name was at the top of the class.

But since he's still not cured

Simon does a weekly check up on his body in case of any change.

"he's creepy"

"I know. But just try to deal with it."

"how did you become friends?"

"well it's not my business to tell"

"..." he wasn't happy with the answer.

But it didn't occur to me at that time that something was happening to me as well.

It was after the holidays had passed and we were scheduled to return to school.

I had stayed up late the night before watching the holiday specials with Anaki that I overslept,

Waking up to the shaking of my body by my brother that I noticed something.

At first, I thought it was the heavy feeling from the holiday feast we shared

Had I gained weight.


But it wasn't from the food.

My body is fast at metabolizing nutrients that it was rare for me to gain anything but muscle.

With my body still feeling heavy. I fell down the stairs and rushed out of the door.

Liz had been waiting alone at our rondeau point.

I apologized rubbing the back of my head.

I felt it.

It wasn't much

And my shirt collar could easily hide it.

I stopped feeling the back of my head for anything else.

"what is it?" Liz tilted her head

"ah-nothing it's nothing"

I lied.

It was there in the back of my neck

A small area was now,

Covered in stone

Anaki stone END. 

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