3: Beyond the Billows

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-A Boy's Perspective-

"Hey do you have your books?"

"Seriously mom I am all set, don't worry about it."

She was always really protective making sure I had everything ready for me.

"Come on bro! We have to leave now." Omar nudged my arm; he was extremely impatient when it came to my mother because she always took her time. Same with the rest of the guys.

"Coming!" I hollered and followed them out the door.

"Damn your mom is persistent!"

"Hey! Be nice, at least she cares." I pointed out.

He began jumping in the air because my walking pace was too slow for him.

"Are you excited to see Maja?" He asked winking at me.

Maja was my ex. And she wasn't anyone really spectacular. We dated because we got along but when we broke up it wasn't heartbreaking it just felt like something that happened. No matter how many time I told Omar this he didn't believe me.

"Omar I told you we are done, plus she moved to Norway during the summer."

"Aw I know, I was just wishing ya know, she was really good for you."

"She kept me occupied, that's all." I laughed.

We made our way towards the school where we were instantly greeted by old faces.

"Sup bro! We gotta talk, meet me at lunch?"

"Sure." I answered returning with a fake smile.

I wasn't too eager to start school, I mean I was never left alone by people who wanted to date me or hang out. Not to brag about that at all either because it was more of a curse than a gift.

I made my way my two morning classes filled with excited teachers and bored students. I could barely listen to what they were saying; I had no motivation until the bell rang for lunch.

"Hey Felix."

"Felix do you want to have lunch?"

"Hey Felix, can we talk?"

"Can I give you my number?"


UGGGHHH! I was so sick of it!

I threw my hands over my ears making a run for the back door of the school. Too many people cared about me but not for me.

This brought my nerves up into overdrive as I made my way through the back roads to my house.

I could guarantee my mother had left for work leaving the house empty for me to relax in.

I kicked loose pebbles along the way setting off the balance of the sidewalk ahead of me.

Eventually I was able to lose track of time, kicking rocks was good for occupying and distracting out I'll have you know, because by the time I looked up from my shoes I was lost far into the forest.

Rain had begun to spit from the sky and my cracking sound of my footsteps followed me wherever I went. I looked all around like an alert deer listening to the bristling of leaves in the trees whistling above.

Something was unnatural about this sound as if there was some sort of music playing through it.

I took a chance and led with my ears deeper into the forest where the sound became louder and louder becoming clearer with words that became distinguishable.

A sort of American old 80s rock song was playing. A song that I had heard it before but not recognized by name.

Eventually my senses lead me towards a dark shadow through the tree trunks. A building of some sort?

Music was clearly streaming out of that building so someone had to be in there. I crawled my way around the dewy forest floor to peek into a patch of decomposed wood.

I was right, believe it or not. As myself I personally could not believe it.

Looking past the filth that covered my pants I focused inside the garage.

A young girl stood still facing the opposite direction from where I was perched. Music suddenly began and so does her body swaying back-and-forth.

"Whaa?" I whispered and laughed as quietly as I could.

Who would ever come this far into nowhere to dance?...I thought about it longer and it didn't seem like a bad idea. It was quiet and secluded, no one around but yourself...

My mind trailed away watching the girl dance, her moves were quite impressive. I could assume she had lessons or either danced quite often.

I moved away from my perching position to get a closer look. Setting my foot down on a sheet of metal. Before I knew it, it swept clean right out from under my feet shooting into the garage. This made her tune instantly in my direction. Her long brown hair whirled around her face nearly wrapping around her body a second time.


Struggling I got to my feet and booked it out of the forest back on my street before I was caught. I feel like an idiot for spying.

Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now