Beginning of New Life

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Walking downstairs I looked at the pictures hung on the wall. Most are of the band and the many events they have played. Others are of what I think are family and friends. One stuck out from the rest, there in the pic stood me holding a one year old Kyler in Zacky’s arms. Zacky was wearing a tux, Kyler wearing a similar style while I wore a white dress.


“Skye, I love you so much. This past year has been so amazing with you and our son. From the first time I seen you I knew you were the one for me. When I think about the future I see the endless possibilities with you always by my side. Without delaying it any longer I want to ask you a question,” Zacky kneeled down on his knee and pulled out a box from his jacket.

“Skye, will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife,” he said while looking into my eyes.

Getting lost in his eyes, I felt tears rolling down my face.

“Yes… Yes Zacky! I love you so much,” I replied pulling him up to kiss him.

A few months after our engagement we had small beach wedding with our closest family and friends in attendance. Zacky had his little brother and the guys from the Avenged crew as his groomsmen, while I had the rest of the girlfriends and Zacky’s sister as my bridesmaids. My little sister McKenna was our flower girl and our son the ring bearer. My father Papa Gates gave me away and was an emotional experience for the both of us.

“I love you, Skye Chelsea Baker… Now and forever,” Zacky said with love before our big kiss.

“I love you too, Zachary James Baker… Always and forever,” I whispered before pulling him closer and kissing him with nothing but love.

Smiling to myself I couldn’t believe that has happened. I am married to the man of my dreams and not only am I married but we also have a handsome son together.

“Mommy,” Kyler called from the kitchen.

“Coming sweetie,” I took one last glance at the beautiful picture and made my way to the kitchen.

The sound of laughter can be heard throughout the house while my boys attempted to make chocolate chip pancakes. Zacky immediately took charge not wanting me to lift a finger and Kyler offered to help his daddy. I sat at the counter in the kitchen as I watched them prepare breakfast. I watched as Kyler mixed and Zacky poured in each ingredient. While the boys were almost finished the doorbell went off.

“I’ll get it,” I smiled and got up to get the door.

Making my way to the front door I didn’t know who to expect to see on the other side. Taking a deep breath I opened the door to see my “brother” Brian standing there with a smile next to Michelle.

“Hey sis,” Synester Gates said to me.

“Hey… um… come in,” I told them both.

They gave each other a weird look and walked in. Brian took one look at me before pulling me into a hug. I was hoping for some more flashbacks to play in my head like it did when Zacky wrapped his arms around me but that didn’t happen.

“What’s wrong,” Brian whispered through my hair.

“I’m just not feeling like myself today,” I frowned.

“I’m here now. We can help those feelings go away. Right Michelle,” He asked while I pulled away from him.

“We sure can,” Michelle smiled and gave me a hug.

“Hey babe, who is that the door,” Zacky called from the kitchen.

“It’s Uncle Bri-Bri and Aunt Michewe,” Kyler screamed running towards us.

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I watched as my son ran into Michelle’s arms giving her a big hug then moving on to jump into his uncle’s arms.

“How is my favorite little guy,” Brian asked Kye who refused to get put down from his arms.

“I’m gweat,” Kye smiled.

I walked back into the kitchen while my brother and Michelle followed.  Zacky was putting plates on the table. I grabbed the pancakes from the counter and helped him with the rest. Zacky smiled and grabbed the plate from me before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“What would I do without you,” he held me in his arms.

“Awe look at the happy couple,” Bri said in a girly voice.

“What can I say, she’s amazing,” Zacky smiled before pulling my chair out for me.

“I’m glad you’re taking care of her and my nephew because I sure as hell would’ve probably killed you if you didn’t. Especially all that you two been through together throughout the years,” Brian said while sitting Kyler down in his booster seat.

“There is the protective brother we all know,” Michelle joked.

Flashback #1

“I don’t want you see him anymore,” Brian yelled.

“Why? He’s amazing Bri. Please just let us be together,” I pleaded.

“It’s just can’t happen. I know how he is with girls, okay? I just don’t want you to go through that. Understand that I’m doing this to protect you,” He calmed down a bit.

“I’m not like other girls. You taught me not to be. If I feel like things are going to go in the direction you think it is then I know not to continue with a relationship any longer but for now I’m happy with him and know he’s not going to hurt me,” I was looking at my brother seeing him think over what I just said.

“Just let me talk him. I’ll let you see him only if you let me talk to him,” he finally responded.

“You just can’t hurt him,” I replied.

Flashback #2

I sat in my room after an argument with Zacky when Brian came in with my twin brother Brent. They both knew when I was feeling down and would come to my rescue.

“Hey, are you okay,” Brent asked as they both sat down next to me on my bed.

“I honestly don’t know anymore. One moment Zacky and I are so in love and the next it’s like we don’t know each other anymore. Today we got into an argument about basically everything. I just wish we could go back to the way we used to be,” I spoke through my crying.

“What exactly happened,” anger showed clearly in Bri’s voice.

“We’ve just been arguing a lot and I don’t know anymore. Whenever I try to talk to him about it it’s like he just refuses to talk to me. I don’t even know if we’re still together anymore,” I spoke.

“Hey, he’s stupid. You two have been together for almost a year and a half. He would be dumb to let that all go. Just take a little break from the drama and have a night in with your two favorite brothers,” Brent smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

“Skye, you know I can’t just let this slide. You’re my little sister and he may be one of my best friends but he has to know he can’t do this to you. You have to decide if you still want to be with him or not. If you decide to stay with him and work things out I don’t want this happening again. So, it’s your call,” Brian finally spoke.

“I think it’s time I give my relationship a break for the both of us to figure out what we both want.”

“Skye, are you okay,” Brian asked.

I looked around the table and realized we were all mostly finished eating our breakfast. Kye now sat in Michelle’s lap as they had their own little conversation. Zacky sat beside with his hand on my leg waiting for me to answer Brian. Brian watched me as I tried to remember what he was talking about.

“Y-yea, I just kind of spaced out there. Sorry, what were you saying,” I quickly asked.

“I was talking about inviting everyone over to my place for a little barbeque-pool party kind of thing. You know like old times. Maybe it will help you feel better also.”

“Babe, you know we can’t miss that,” Zacky childishly whined.

“Mommy, I want to go to uncle Bri-Bri’s house! Pwease,” Kyler asked shortly after his dad finished whining.

“We will be there,” I smiled seeing their faces light up.

“Well, that’s what we came here for and Michelle wanted to see Kyler,” Brian smiled as he watched Michelle held on her lap.

“Daddy, can I go with Aunt Michewe,” Kyler asked with puppy dog eyes.

Zacky looked at me silently asking me if we should let our son go with them. I simply nodded knowing that our son would be in good hands.

“Sure buddy but you got to ask them if you could go with them,” Zacky told our son.

“Uncle Bri-Bri and Aunt Michewe can I please go home with you! I will be a good boy, I promise,” Kyler asked the pair who couldn’t say “no” to my green eyed little boy.

“Of course you can Kye,” Michelle smiled, “but first we got to get you ready for the day.”

“I’ll get him ready,” I got up and picked up my son from Michelle.

“Don’t weave wiffout me,” Kye told them as we left the room.

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