Chapter four
~Ella's pov~
I wake up to my mom banging on my door. It's 8:02
"Shit!" I yell.
I hop out of bed and throw on a pair of sweats and a tank top with a Columbia jacket over it. I apply a little bit of mascara. I run out of my room grabbing a pair of socks and heading to the bathroom. I pick up my toothbrush and add some tooth past. That's when it hits me that I have to pee. Multitask! I scrub all of my teeth as I use the toilet. I pull up my pants with one hand. Man that's difficult. While flushing the toilet with my foot I spit the foaming toothpaste into the sink. 8:11! I'm gonna be late.
"Fuck!" I yell as I fall down the stairs.
Slip on shoes, grab back pack, and run out the door.
I make it to school just on time. I get into class and sit down. I hate Language arts so much. My teacher starts to lecture us about the importance of nouns. I zone out not caring about what she says. I start to write about how I feel.
"Ms. James!" She yells at me
"Huh?" I reply startled
"Can you tell me what I just said?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"Well maybe if you would actually listen instead of writing and doodling you could."
I heard a few people Ooh.
"I'm sorry" I tell her
"Well, sense what ever you are writing is more important than my teaching, you can read it to the class."
"Um... No thank you."
"Then I will read it to them."
"Please don't." I try to close my spiral but she grabs it before I can. My life is over. Everyone is laughing. That's when she starts to read it.
"Ms. Ella James was not paying attention so I will read what she was writing.
I have scares on my wrists
I have scares on my thighs
Everyone sees my smile
Not the pain behind my eyes."
The room fell silent. The tears start to fall from my eyes. I run out. I run threw the hallway not being able to see where I was going because my tears were blurring my vision. I run to the bathroom that nobody ever goes in. I slam the door of the stall. I sit on the toilet bawling my eyes out. I grab my headphones and phone from my pocket and blare my music, not caring if I get in trouble.
"I wanna die!" I manage to get threw my tears.
~Jake's pov~
I've known Ella since fourth grade. Lately she hasn't been herself. I don't understand why. I would kill for to have her back to her normal self. I stare at her now empty seat. I'm the only one who isn't laughing at what just went on. Even her friends are laughing. I stand up from my desk. I can't handle it anymore.
"You guys are so rude. You have no idea the problems Ella could have in her life. Do you guys know what happens in her house? Yeah, didn't think so." I storm out of the classroom.
As I walk past the girls bathroom I hear someone repeating "I wanna die!" I figure it's Ella. I open the door and shout inside
"Ella is that you?"
"Are you hear to laugh at me?" She sniffles.
I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. Not to make a move, just so I can talk to her without anyone interrupting.
"No, I just want to talk to you. I locked the door so nobody can get in. Will you please come out?"
She didn't reply. I sit down on the floor and just look at the stall. She walks out. Her makeup is all over her face. She still looks beautiful though.
"Hi" she says.
I don't reply I just stand up and hug her. The second my arms are around her she looses it. My jacket is getting soaked from her tears but I don't care. After about a seven minute hug of not saying anything we break away.
"Are you ready to talk?" I ask her.
she nods. We sit down and I look her into the eyes. God her eyes are such a gorgeous color. Blue grey with a really dark out line.
"Why did you come to talk to me?" She asks.
I wish I could tell her the real reason. That I care about her so much. That I have liked her from day one. That I want her. That I never want her to leave.
"Cause were friends." I manage to get out. Wow... smooth man.
Just smooth.