24 year old Kenya Abdi was living a drama free life. She was very independent, had her own apartment, her own car, and loved working as a precessional hairstylist.
Kenya barely had female friends, but she did have the coolest guy best friend ever...
"Yeah you could slide through, just don't bring none of them ratchet bitches you be running round' with." I said on the other end of the phone.
Today Morie was having a little cookout for his birthday and by little, I meant big. Everything he claimed to be "little" was big as hell.
I was on the phone with Jessica and she wanted to pull up, I didn't mind if she did, but I hated her hoe ass friends. They would low-key push up on me when she's not around. I could ruin friendships, but I wasn't trying to keep Jessica around much longer anyways. She was starting to act as if she was wifey or something, when she knew damn well I told her ass I wasn't ready to settle down yet.
She kissed her teeth. "I'm bringing Monica only, see you later sexy." She hung up before I even had a chance to reply. I sighed before throwing my phone on my bed.
It was only 2:00 and the cookout starts at 5, but you know a nigga was always fashionably late. Once I laid back on my California king bed, I heard loud ass knocks on my door.
"My nigga what the fuck !" I was irritated because I just wanted to relax a little. I took my time walking to my front door.
"OPEN...UP...NIGGA !" I heard Kenya say from the other side of the door. I couldn't help but to chuckle. When I swung the door open, she wasted no time walking right into my crib as she removed her shades.
She threw herself on my sofa while we were having a staring contest I guess. I mugged the shit outta her as she shot the same look back at me, I couldn't even stop the smile that was now forming on my face.
"Fuck is you doing here ?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, ignoring me, and started typing away on her phone. She dressed comfortably in a black juicy couture sweatsuit and white shell top adidas. Her ponytail was long as fuck, I'm guessing she added some of that horse hair to her head.
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"So girls get fake ass hair added to their heads and can't speak anymore ? Heard the horse." I said while taking a seat next to her. Her goofy ass couldn't even keep a straight face, as she busted out laughing.
"What's up, going to Mo's cookout today ?" She asked.
"Duh and since you're already here, we might as well go together." She looked at me like I was crazy.
"Uh-uh look at my outfit." She pointed to her outfit. I took a minute to look over her outfit.
"You look good, everything looks great on you so I don't understand what's the issue. Even right now you look like you killing shit, but you ain't trying." I shrugged.
She fake cried while holding a fist next to her mouth. "Wow, that was the nicest thing you ever said to me."
I waved her off, not even noticing the compliment I gave her.
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It was now going on 4:30 and Chris and Karin decided to come over as well. Chris lived with me, but he was with Karin so much you'd think he lived with them. Karin had this nigga bowing down to her and she didn't even know it.
"Morie better have some good ass food there too because a bitch is starving." Karin said while she rubbed her belly.
Chris shot her a weird look. "Don't call yourself a bitch." He said. She playfully rolled her eyes before waving him off. He was so protective over her, kinda like the way I acted with Kenya.
Kenya shot me a look saying 'They want each other'. I chuckled because she was literally always on their case. If they low-key wanted each other, then she needed to mind her damn business.
She took a seat next to me and I could tell she wanted to ask me something. "What's up Nubian Queen, what's on ya mind ?" I asked.
"Remember that day you came over to my crib while Keon was there ?" She asked. I simply nodded my head for her to continue. "What was you guys talking about ? Because he had a little attitude after you left."
"Oh nothing." I chuckled before throwing my arms over her shoulders.
She pouted because she knew I wasn't gonna tell her. I didn't care so much about the little conversation we had, but I didn't want to be the reason why she lost interest in him, she seemed like she really liked the kid.
"Seriously Que, can you please tell me ?" She whined. I laughed at her childlike behavior.
"It wasn't even that serious, he was just-" before I could even finish, there was a knock on my door.
"Who the fuck could that be ?" I asked myself. "Chris, get that bro." He went to go get the door, while the rest of us waited to see who was it.
In walked Jessica looking good as fuck, but I was wondering why the hell was she even here.
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"Hey baby." She sang while smiling widely. Her big smile got smaller when she saw my arm over Kenya. "Ken." She simply said with a smile. Chris and Karin greeted her to be respectful before heading to the kitchen.
"Hey girl, you look good." Kenya said excitedly. Jessica did a little 360 spin before saying a 'thank you'.
I still didn't say a word to her, I just honestly wanted to know who told her to do a pop up visit at my crib like she was the queen or some shit. This is one reason I hated when girls knew where I lived.
She took a seat next to us. "What's wrong with you babe." She asked. Kenya decided to get up and go in the kitchen where Chris and Karin was. I knew she didn't wanna seem like she was in our business.