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Sumayyah sat on the cold, hard floor, sobbing. "I swear I have no idea where he is!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face. "He called be and told me to meet him there, but I never even saw him! I- I haven't seen him in a year!" she sobbed.

"She's completely useless!" one of the big men said to the other. The stood towering over her, each with big guns on them. Sumayyah was chained to the ground by her ankles, and handcuffed to the ceiling.

"No, she has to know something." the other man growled, chewing on a toothpick. He spat the toothpick out at one corner and turned to Summayah. He kneeled down and looked Summayah in the eye, placing a cold, thick hand on her chin. "Look, baby," he spoke in a calm voice. "I don't wanna have problems. I'm going to guess you don't either. So, let me hear it, huh? I just want to know where Chresanto is."

Sumayyah's tears were rushing down her face. "I. Don't. Know!" she yelled, spitting in his face. The man took a swing and slapped her face, causing her to fall against the hard floor and hit her head, hard. The tall man stood looking over her. He ran his tan hand through his dark, sweaty hair, his tattooed muscles flexing. His dark eyes narrowed in anger at Summayah's unconcious body.

Another man called from the other room. "Santiago! Venenzo!" the two men left Sumayyah in the cell, making sure to lock it first.

"Yeah?" one of the men replied. The man pointed to the computer. "Diego took some men and went to go check the apartment where the location is, but he didn't find nobody there. But we're sure that somebody lives there."

"It's probably him, then. Tell them to stay there and stay hidden. They can grab him as soon as he comes in."

"Aight then."

May sobbed and sobbed, unsure of how she got there but almost sure of her death. A strong hatred filled her until it hurt. Chresanto. This was his fault. She remembered his gang affiliations and how he'd started to mess around with the local gangs. He got her into this mess.

"I am going to kill him," she thought, "If they don't kill him first."


Jacob and I woke up the next day, and made our way to Chresanto's house. I began to get really worried about Sumayyah, and I wanted to make sure that she was with him. He'd given me his address incase I ever needed to talk, but I never really gave put him up on his offer. Now, I needed him. I didn't want to go all the way to Summayyah's house because she lived like two hours away in Upstate.

Jacob decided to be kind and tag along for help, especially because it gave him a chance to talk to Chresanto. I didn't try to hold him back.

The taxi took a short trip over to a tall apartment building and stopped. I handed the driver his money and thanked him as I jumped off the cab. Jacob and I stopped and stared at the skinny grey building that reached up to the New York skies. Other buildings were pressed up against it, but this was Chresanto's building. Jacob opened the door and let me walk through first, and he followed silently behind. We went upstairs to Chresanto's apartment and knocked on the door. There was no sound. We knocked for a while. I jiggled the doorknob, and the door swung open. "Chres?" I called. No reply. Jacob and I walked in, calling for Chresanto. Clearly, he wasn't there, but he definetly lived here.There weren't many signs of anyone living there, but there was a picture of him and some girl holding hands on the wall. Other than that, this could've been anyone's apartment.  It was basically empty.

I was going to point the picture out to Jacob when I was startled by a muffled scream. I whipped my head around to see Jacob being held by two grown men, both carrying guns, both guns pointed at his head.

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"Wha-" I could barely breathe. Suddenly, I felt myself being held, as well. A thick, cold hand was pressed against my face, covering my mouth. A different pair of hands tied my arms behind my back. I tried to scream, only to recieve a slap to my face. Across from me, Jacob's eyes were wild from fear, and anger. He was able to kick free for a second. "DON'T TOUCH HER! LET GO-" he screamed, only to be slapped himself. The men, obviously much older and stronger than us, were easily able to capture us and sneak through the back door. They threw us into this dark, black SUV with tinted windows. I tried to study the car as fast as I could. Once we were in the car, the driver zoomed as fast as he could to get us to wherever they wanted. Two large men wrapped dirty rags around our mouths, tight enough to scratch at my skin and make me bleed a little. Across from me, Jacob looked enraged and worried at the same time. That look hurt me, and most of all, I wished I could do anything to stop it. The driver sped so fast, we fell over, and, arms tied behind our backs, we couldn't get back up. I remembered that I'd hidden my phone in my bra because I wasn't wearing pockets or a purse today. I felt a burst of relief, but I needed to keep natural because the two burly men were still sitting with a close eye on the both of us. I really badly wanted to tell Jacob that we had hope so that he would stop looking at me with that terrifying look in his eyes, but I couldn't, so I looked away.

I thought of that day when I went with Jacob to that club. How creepy and disgusting the men were. How sketchy the whole scene was. How the fire enveloped the entire building in flames. Terrified screams filling the air before the complete silence.

I closed my eyes. Was that to become of us?

I had to focus so I wouldn't freak out.

Suddenly, the car jerked to a stop and I felt my head knock against the door. A pair of big, burly hands carried me out of the car and brought me into what looked like an abandoned prison.

I must've hurt my head pretty hard because my vision started to blurr. Dark lights, cells, my head was spinning. A cell door opened. I was tossed on the floor. Chains. Five people. Pain. Darkness.

I woke up to see there were only two people with me. One girl, and one boy.

"Sumayyah!" I almost screamed! "What are you doing here?"

Her voice was tired and raspy. "They.. they captured me and.." she coughed, "they brought me here."

"What do they want with us?" Jacob asked her.

"Ch-Chresanto." Sumayyah whispered.

"But we don't know anything." I wanted to say, when a deep, grisly voice interrupted me.

"Don't lie." the voice spoke. Footsteps came closer, slowly. Jacob, beside me took a deep gulp.

A big, brawny man with big tattoos and tan skin stood by the cell door. He smirked. "The sooner you give up your friend, the sooner you three can leave."

"He's not our friend." Jacob spat.

"No?" the man spoke with a sarcastic tone. He opened the cell door and stepped in. "Then why are you protecting him?" He smiled a dark smile, all yellow teeth, sharp and pointy, displayed.

"We're not protecting him, we don't know where he is!" I said, trying to hold back my anger at the glance of his gun.

Suddenly, my luck betrayed me and my phone lit up in my bra. Through my white shirt, the light was visible and I knew it. I silently prayed that the man didn't see it, but of course, he did. He smiled with his teeth again, sending my heart plummeting. "Well, well, well.. What do we have here?" he spoke.

His voice was more evil and demonic than before. It became difficult to breath. The man came closer and closer. He placed his cold, sweaty hand on my cheek. "Pretty girl like you shouldn't be getting herself into trouble. You shouldn't be tryna get yourself killed." he barely whispered. I struggled to shake his hand off of me.

"Give me your phone." His eyes brightened. "But oh wait, you're all tied up." He gave a slight chuckle. "Looks like I'll have to get it myself."

He brought himself to his knees so he could be at my level. My heart was pounding loudly. It was clear he didn't just want my phone.

"DIEGO!" a voice called from somewhere else. It was another one of the men.

The man in front of me stopped and turned around. "WHAT?! I'M BUSY!" he replied, angrily.

"WE THINK WE FOUND HIM!" the voice called back.

"Shit." Diego mumbled. "Grab the guys and let's go!" he called back to the men.

I let out a breath of relief too early. Diego felt his gritty hands down my sides and placed on hand on the side of my neck. "We'll finish this later, Mami." he whispered, his  breath reeking with cigarettes.

Diego rose back on his feet and opened the cell door, exiting. In the near distance, I could hear him instruct another man to send me to a separate cell for later. I shuddered to think of what later was.

I looked to my left and saw Sumayyah was passed out. To the right of me, I could see Jacob still squirming. He had been squirming the entire time.

Trying to keep Diego away from me.


A/N- this is gonna start to be real good so make sure you keep up!

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Btw , for you fans of "Its No Secret I'm MINDLESS" and "Lies, Mindless, ACTION!" the third book, "Destined by Behavior" is out!! Go check it out ! and thank you for continued support.

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