Chapter 4

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"Jackal what do you plan on doing?" Bone asked "well I think we should inform the queen of this" jackal replied

Bone grabbed another beer after he finished the one he was drinking and started drinking that one "we leave first thing in the morning I have a lone mission and you tell the queen about the phone call" jackal said to bone who just nods

The next day~

It was 5 am and the sun was beginning to rise and Zero wakes up and he runs and jumps on jackal and licks on his face and wakes jackal up and then Zero goes onto wake up bone and there was a knock on the door.

Jackal lazily walked to the door and answered it "oh hey Ruby" jackal said and yawn "come in" he said to her and let her Inside bone was laying on the couch half asleep with an empty bottle of beer in his hand.

"Jackal can we talk" Ruby asked him "sure what do you want?" He replied and ruby grabbed his Hand making jackal tense up slightly and dragged him to his bedroom and shut and locked the door.

"Uh ruby this doesn't seem like talki-" jackal said and was cut off by Ruby kissing him and he kissed back and then ruby breaks the kiss

*Warning  some what sexual*

Ruby then pushed jackal onto his bed and then climbed on top of him, she started to make out with him, he did it back.

Ruby proceeds to take jackal's shirt of, she puts her hands on his bare chest, and jackal breaks the kiss and Ruby looked down at jackal.

Jackal then made it so that he was on top and removed Ruby's shirt and kissed her neck, ruby moans as jackal found her sensitive spot on her neck.

Ruby managed to roll jackal over and be on top and jackal soon kissed ruby and began to make out with her and she did it back

Ruby breaks the kiss as she gets a phone call and she answered it "hi dad" she said "no I'm not busy why?" Ruby replied "shit uh yeah I'll be right there" ruby said then hung up she gets off jackal and puts her shirt back on.

'Shit why now, why.' Jackal heard ruby think "what happened?" He asked "my brother Tony he's in hospital" Ruby replied and she left jackal's room

Jackal just sat on his bed "good riddance, Bone walked into jackal's room "jackal you should go with ruby" Bone said

"No thank you if rather stay here, that bitch is so annoying" jackal said to bone, Bone chuckled "wow calling her a bitch your one to talk" Bone then said

"Yeah well she is I've been trying to get rid of her for ages she just can't let me go" jackal said "and how have you tried getting rid of her" bone said "asking her" jackal replied

"Your problem is, is that your being nice about it I know cheat on her" Bone said "no I'm not like you" jackal said "I'm serious jackal if you cheat on her she'll leave unless she's like Cassandra" bone said

"Bone, Cassandra is one of us, ruby isn't she has no idea what I do she thinks I'm a bartender" jackal said "that's the lamest job ever" Bone said "yeah I know" jackal said

"What if you tell her about you being a professional killer" Bone said  "that might scare her off" jackal thought to himself

"I still think you should cheat on her" Bone then said "yeah but who with" jackal said in response "What about Alley" Bone then suggested "alley? No why her?" Jackal replied "because she is close friends with you" bone said in a mocking kind of tone

"Isn't it mean if we bring Alley into this" jackal asked bone "yeah I guess your right" bone replied thoughtfully

"You can always cheat on her with me" Bone then said "wait what?" Jackal said surprised "did you just say what I think you said" jackal half shouted at bone

"Yes you heard correctly" bone responded

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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