Hey this is another copy of Forever Dark since I didn't like that one im starting the story over so read this one instead of the other one!! Thanks!
Chapter One
Lara's POV:
My eyes fluttered open like butterfly wings flapping as they flew around. I instantly squinted as the sunlight shone through my window, I sat up in my warm and cozy bed and stretched. I yawned and slipped on my slippers and went over to my mirror with a small little table with drawers for holding my things. I opened one drawer and pulled out a hair tie and a comb. I brushed my black hair and looked in the mirror at my grey eyes. I sighed softly and braided my hair in fishtail style to the side and tied the end with the black hair tie. I got up from my seat and went over to my closet and grabbed a black t-shirt some camouflage cargo pants and black combat boots. I stripped of my pajamas and put on my clothes then my boots, I got up and opened my room door and went into the kitchen where my mother was brushing my sisters hair. "Good morning Lara." they both said in unison. "Morning Kate, morning mom." I exhaled tiredly and grabbed an apple from a medium sized hand woven fruit basket that I had made in the third grade.
I wove the strips of dry bamboo into the shape of a basket but poked my finger many times and whined every time I did so. "Ouch..." "Lara its how you put the bamboo through the hole so you wont poke yourself." exclaimed a small sweet voice, Jake a brown haired blue eyed lightly tanned boy...also known as my best friend. "If you say so...." I rolled my eyes sighed an then lightly giggles at his reaction.
"I'll be back later mom...im going to go catch some game...just a few things." She nodded and I headed out the door unto the porch and grabbed my backpack. I stepped unto the rather large dirt road and bit into my apple whilst looking around at the nourished green scenery. "And where are you going...without me?" I stopped in my tracks and smiled and turned to see Jake. " Just going to go catch some game....did you want to come?" I asked emphasizing the "did you want to come?" "Um yeah...I need food to woman." he said this in a playful manner and I smiled. "Well then, lets go Mr. Bossy pants." I swiftly turned around and walked beside him and we both shared the apple. We walked all the way to this large fortified fence. Our town had built it altogether to keep out the beggars and the burglars and the...creatures. You couldn't climbs it because it was made out of plywood and trees with barb wire on top. This town was very defendable and safe..which was good because we had so many children and babies here that we needed it to be as safe as possible.They would need to stay alive for the sake of the future. I looked up at the guard tower and signaled him to open the gates and he opened them a small crack just enough for us to fit through and he closed it once we got out.
I looked around at the green trees and the luscious green grass. The world out here was pleasing to the eye. But way to dangerous to be about. We walked and after a while we has 4 squirrels 3 deer and at least 15 small birds. We walked back into town and skinned the animals and had a big feast for our town.
My name is Lara Brown and this is my story.
Chapter Two
Lara's POV:
I sat in a chair, around a campfire. People singing laughing just having a mighty fine time. Tonight was the anniversary of this town surviving for 5 years since the creatures started appearing and killing bunches of people. Speaking of which maybe I should explain how the world is now.
Well here's how it is...6 years ago some plague went around and began to infect people. This "disease" took over people's bodies and made them turn into a creature. The ones who turned would become pale, and their eyes turned completely black. Their senses would also became extremely sharpened so even the tiniest noise something or someone made it would be heard. Teeth became sharpened for eating humans. They killed humans. The only way to kill these creatures is to destroy the brain which is their "control center", once you turn your heart somehow fuses with your brain to create a ultimate killing machine.
"C'mon Lara it's time to go." Jake cleared his throat and smirked at me slightly. I nodded and stood up and stood beside him. "Stay safe everyone." I looked at those still surrounded around the campfire. They all nodded and said their goodbyes. Jake and I walked home.
Lara and I started walking home. "Best meal we've had in a few weeks.." I smiled and turned to face Lara. She nodded and kicked some rocks as we walked. Our hands were so close together as we walked I was tempted to grab ahold of it. I reluctantly began to inch my hand towards hers but she turned as she reached her house. "Goodnight Jake. Stay safe." She opened her door but I quickly put a hand on he shoulder. "Hey Lara...would y-uh...wanna hang out tommorow?" I nervously balled my fist in my pants pocket. She looked up and thought for a minute. "Sure. Meet me at the towns center around 9:30" she briskly walked inside and shut the door behind her. I quickly started walking to my house and cheered as I walked. I was so happy!
LARA'S POV: I watched Jake walk home through the window. I wanted to make sure he got home safe. I smiled to myself and walked from the small family room into the kitchen where my mother was chatting with Dylan. I waved to him and he smiled and waved back. "Hey Dylan, what you doing here so late?" I questioned. "Just came to see you...I asked your mom if I could stay a bit and catch up with you." He smiles politely and looked down at my mom. "Two hours and he has to go home" my mother said sternly and made he way into the room which she had my sister Kate waiting. I nodded and lead Dylan to the family room and pulled to chair to face each other at t small table and say in one of them. Dylan swiftly pushed my chair in a bit and sat down in the other chair. "So...what's up?" I bit my lip. "Nothing really but I really wanted to see you." He smiles and took my hands into his. "I want to catch up with you." I nodded and smiled at him and scooted out chair much closer. "Want to go outside?" He nodded and we both began to walk outside and climbed the roof. I grunted as he helped me up onto the roof. We laid down next to each other staring up at the night sky. "Well how you been?" I turned my head to face him and noticed he was already staring at me. My cheeks heated up a bit. His bold blue eyes stared down at me intensely. His brown hair straight yet wavy in some places. His muscular build just perfect. "I've been good. But haven't been having as much fun without you around..ya know." I nodded as he said this. We talked and talked. "Lara I've missed you." He sat up and I did the same exact thing. He brought my face closer to his and pressed his rosy lips to mine and kissed me softly. I returned the kiss and smiled into the kiss.
Hey guys hope your enjoying the book!! Please leave comments and liked so I know that you're reading :D