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Chapter 8
"Back when my grandparents were young the government power shifted to their next generation successors as they had always done but this one was different they started changing so many rules so fast that no one had time to catch up. Shifting their main focus from how can we protect the city to how can we make our peoples lives better.That included who you Married, where you live, how many kids you have, everything. They made the argument that if you didn't have to make any huge decisions your life would be happy." We had both roles our eyes at this."In that came the patrollers their main job is to make sure everyone has food, a job, a place to live, and followed the new rules set." he said sitting back finally relaxed for the time being.
"That still doesn't explain..." he closed my lips with two fingers.
"Please" he said smiling gently "let me finish before you bombard me with questions." I pulled his hand of my mouth. It was so big compared to mine. We both looked down. Both of mine basically cradling his and, after a brief moment he took his hand back. The brief interchange has both of us caught off guard for a moment then he picked back up. The words coming out slowly before he returned to his average speed of speech.
"What the government didn't take into account for was the lower classes. The lower the class the less patrollers and most of the time they would get placed there for punishment which caused the patrollers in the lower sections to be, let's say unwilling to help." I shuttered at the thought. How could people treat others like trash? I would never understand.
"After a few months of people being treated cruelly by the relatively few patrollers they have, they decided to stay away. Thus there was very little Change to the lower classes. Then there was the revoked books. You have to fast forward to about five years ago. A shop gets a box of almost seventy skeleton keys the lady thought they where sent to the wrong place but they weren't shipped. So she makes all the larger ones into necklaces and the smaller into rings."
I Yawned and moved my body so I could rested my head and shoulder on the couch. He had asked if I wanted to wait till morning but I rejected the offer.
"I need to know some answers or I won't get any sleep." He must have understood because he went on.
"just after it hits market Bam! Everything that's left gets pulled from stock. One of the woman selling the things the..." he paused for a second trying to find the correct word "special ability it has while reading her daughter a book on dinosaurs. She had a heart attack didn't know it couldn't affect her until later. The hole city loved it but the government didn't. Then there where books coming over from different worlds. They just started appearing everywhere. Books that where about magic, and finding love, fighting for what's right even when it's wrong, and picking your own path in life that might take you to a higher class." I finally got it. The hole of it not just the bits that the author wanted you to see.
"So when the government had banned the book traveling they basically took away the only wake up call that the people need and you give it back."
I looked up at him joyous but, the look in his eyes is for the first time all day kind. Looking at me just for the second a fellow traveler instead of a nuisance to be handled later. It sent a warm sensation down my spine.
"So.." I said before I yet again let out a big yawn "Now I know your story more can I hear mine?" I said this a bit reluctantly "I want to know my life won't be filled only with misery and heartbreak." I looked down at my hands in my lap. Picking at my thumb until he started talking
"It's called Her Invisible Pain. Your the main character but, don't get to caught up in the title it is a romance. Or it was..." he said. Oliver's expression seemed to show an internal debate was going on only to be finished by a shake of the head. I didn't know what it was about but he continued before I could say anything
"You have a hard time getting over your fathers death and struggle with his absence until you go to an out of city park and meet a guy named Gabe Vason." I was looking off dreamy eyed. He coughed loudly drawing my attention back to his face. "You date, you break up, get back together you know how those books go." He said gruffly "I ...." he starred but was then cut off
"What the heck is going on here!" Yelled a female voice from the other side of the library. I didn't have to turn around to know Miley was home, the wince on Olivers face said it all. This wasn't going to be a fun night.

The By Stander
RomanceAbbie Hornbelle looses her father in a tragic accident. life is seems to be giving her a bad hand. The rain pouring down on her. she can't take care of herself, as she was abandoned by her mother at the young age of three. She was forced to move in...