Chapter Nineteen

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I walked past Gareth up the basement steps as I let my mind wonder over the events of today. The two main things I thought about was the fact that I killed Jonas as well as the fact that Gareth's blood did not pique my hunger. I was only interested in the vampires blood.

"Mal!" Gareth repeated my name again as he rushed up behind me. "What the hell happened?" He sounded rather angry at the fact that I was there.

"I don't know." I told him as I continued down the hallway of the house until I was near the front door. I reached for the handle before a hand shot up and affixed itself to the door, keeping it closed.

"Why the hell are you going to walk into daylight?" Gareth almost shouted as he tried to shove me aside, only to fail.

"What?" I asked as I turned my head to face him.

"Daylight kills vampires." Gareth repeated sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Doesn't matter to me." I told him as I pulled the door open, proving his attempts to obstruct me as useless.

He let out a gasp as I walked into the sunlight yet did not immediately catch alight. He stood motionless as his eyes followed my movements. I took a sniff in the air only to be disappointed in not finding Ashlynn's scent. Of course I wouldn't.

"Explain." He said as if trying to order me to answer him. Instantly my anger returned. I don't know why but the disrespect he was showing me really ticked me off.

"I do not answer to you." I told him as I turned to face him.

I kept my gaze on his until he broke the stare. It was a childish way of proving ones dominance, but it worked nonetheless. I watched as he brought his right hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it slightly.

"Explain why you are here." I told his a I kept my stance facing him and placed a scowl on my face.

"I already have." Gareth said as he thrust his right hand out gesturing to me.

"You said that you are a vampire hunter and that you came here to kill them." I said as I took a step towards him causing him to pale slightly. "But how long have you been a hunter? Why aren't you looking after the store? How did you even get here?" I shot off questions and then waited for a reply, keeping my gaze on his.

"I was born a hunter." He began as he gestured for me to follow him to a car. A pitch black charger with black rims and tinted windows. "A Blood Hunter to be exact."

"What's a Blood Hunter?" I asked slightly intrigued by the term.

"A natural hunter. We are born faster, stronger, and smarter than our counterparts. We are born to hunt vampires." He said as we came upon the car. "I am one of the few that remains. And this is what I do. As to the cafe, its my 'day job' per say. My cover. An associate of mine is looking after it at the moment hence why I can be here."

"Interesting." I said out loud and opened the passenger door to the charger. I got in at the same time as Gareth before I asked my next question. "Do you know where Ashlynn is?" Hoping he did.

"She's missing?" He asked with concern filling his voice. "For how long?"

"I'm not sure." I told him honestly. Not really knowing how long ago it was when I was unconscious. "I was unconscious for a while."

"You mean dead?" He asked but it sounded like a statement that was obvious to him.

"Pardon?" I asked as I turned my attention to him. The car started and we began to drive back towards the cafe.

"For you to be what your are, you must've died." He told me with a serious expression on his face.

"So what am I?" I asked him because I know that the possibility of me being a vampire is very slim. I'm stronger than them. I can walk in the daylight and the fact that vampire blood is my source of nourishment. And those are only three things I have found out.

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