beautiful things

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description: haha I forgot to make a description on the first chapter and now I'm too lazy to edit it oops. anyways, this one is about how little 5-year-old Dan kisses everything beautiful :') pure fluff!!!

Dan watched as his father kissed his mom on the cheek. His eyes were wide and curious, drinking in the way his mother's eyes would light up and the way his father would hold her close. He observed how his mother would lean into the touch and his father looked relaxed and content.

One day, the 5-year-old asked, "Daddy, why do you always kiss mummy?"

"Because I love her of course," his father replied simply, his gaze warm.


The tall man sat down so he was eye-level with his son. He guided the young boy onto his knee gently.

To say the least, Dan knew his dad was going to launch into a long explanation. He didn't mind, though. Usually, he was able to absorb the first few sentences before zoning out. 

Dan preferred to watch the way the edges of his dad's eyes crinkled when he talked about things he loved. The little boy also noticed how he would become more animated as he spoke. Dan would often giggle at the older man's wild hand gestures, occasionally copying them to see his father smile fondly at him.

"My boy, I could go on and on. For one, she's beautiful. The first time I saw her, I thought she was a goddess that was visiting Earth." he chuckled affectionately. "I remember she was..."


"Daniel, what happened?" a woman with long brown curls asked the small child who came rushing through the door. 

Dan's lips were coated in yellow pollen, some smearing across his pink cheeks. He broke into a grin at the sight of his mom.

"Hi Mummy!" Dan exclaimed, "I love flowers!"

The woman couldn't help but crack a smile at the young boy's enthusiasm. "You didn't try eating flowers again, right honey?" she asked, recalling the other flower incident.

"No, I learned my lesson. I kissed them this time. The trick is, you avoid the green part," Dan wrinkling his nose to show that he certainly wouldn't make that mistake again, "I learned that from experience. Oh Mummy, I love kissing beautiful things!"

"And why is that?"

"I don't know, it just makes my heart happy."


"Daniel, come out and say hello to our new neighbors!"

The little brunet shyly peered out at them from the front door. He spotted another boy that looked about his age looking equally as timid. The small 5-year-old took it upon himself to make his new neighbor comfortable.

"Hi! My name's Dan, what's yours?" the curly-haired boy asked, trying to meet the other's eyes. However, the boy didn't cooperate, and rather kept his gaze on his dirt-covered shoes instead.

"Phil," the ginger replied curtly, quickly glancing upwards before looking back down again.

"That's a cool name," the brunet smiled. He felt a swell of pride when the corner of Phil's lips quirked upwards in response. 

"Thanks. So is yours." Phil answered bashfully, a warm blush tinting his pale cheeks.

Dan admired how the light behind Phil's head created a heavenly glow. It resembled what he pictured an angel to look like. 

Finally, Phil met Dan's eyes. The brunet decided that his new favorite color was the shade of blue that resided in the ginger's eyes.

"What?" Phil asked, noticing how the other boy stared intently at him, as if he was analyzing every part of him.

"You're beautiful," Dan breathed, barely registering his words.

Before Phil realized, the brown-eyed boy was kissing him on the cheek. He wasn't sure what the warm feeling in his chest was, though he could identify the twinge of disappointment when Dan pulled back.

"I-I liked that," the ginger admitted quietly.

"Me too. I realized something." Dan answered.

"What?" Phil asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.

"Kissing beautiful people is very different from kissing beautiful flowers." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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