I collapsed on the dance floor in exhaustion. The girls and I had been practicing for over an hour and I felt like I was going to die. It's not fun being the only member to have trouble with dancing. I know that Minnie and Kira try to be understanding but I can still see the frustration in their eyes. I don't blame them. We're so close to our comeback and I was messing it all up. It wasn't always this bad but for some reason, recently, I've been feeling kind of down. My body temperature kept changing on me and I'm sleepy all the time. Being an idol of course didn't help. I was always up early and practicing late trying to make sure everything was right. I don't mind working hard but at the same time I felt that my body was telling me I can't. Kira has been noticing too. She'll ask me constantly how I'm feeling and if I'm ok. I always brush it off and say it's just fatigue but I don't really think that's all it is. I've been fighting the messages telling my body that it needs rest. I can't leave now, not when our comeback was so close. I'm just going to have to suck it up until I can take a break.
"Kagami, are you sure you're ok?" Kira asked me for the thousandth time.
"I'm fine. I promise," I lied taking a sip from my water bottle. "Why do you keeping asking me that?"
"It's just that your movements are slower and you're not reacting as fast as you used to," Minnie responded worriedly. I can't have MinJi suspect me too, it'll make things harder to hide.
"I'm fine, really! I just need a little break," I told them calmly as if nothing was wrong at all.
"Well just promise me you'll say something if you aren't feeling well, ok?" Keerati said in her authoritative voice.
"Yah, who's the youngest here?" I joked around with her. They both started to laugh and I knew they were off my back, at least for a little while. "Come on you two, the sooner we get this done the sooner we get to go home."
I picked myself off the floor and prepared myself to dance to our new song. Kira and I got into position while Minnie ran to start the song. I heard the music play and I tried to dance as best I could. I was starting to get dizzy but I wanted to nail this song so I could go home and sleep. We were halfway through the song when my vision started to get blurry. I knew the layout of the room already so I continued dancing and tried not to get distracted. By the time we finished we were all out of breath and tired from our hard work. I let myself stand still for a minute trying to get my senses to come back to normal but something wasn't right.
"I think we can leave it like that for now," I heard Kira's voice. I knew she was in front of me but I couldn't see her. It was like everything in the room was a machine that wouldn't stop spinning. I even felt my body move with it for a bit before everything went black and I couldn't see or hear a thing.
"When did you start noticing something was wrong," I heard a familiar masculine voice ask.
"Last week. But she said she was fine and that it was just because she was going to bed late." This time the voice sounded like Keerati's.
"Either way this still happened and we need to let her rest before we can start working again." MinJi's voice. I'm sure of it. I tried to open my eyes but a bright light made me instantly close them again. I opened them again to see three heads surrounding each other and talking. My vision suddenly became clear and I realized I was in my bedroom and the three heads belonged to Keerati, MinJi, and the last man I wanted to see me in this state, JYP. I quickly sat up in alarm, but my actions were stopped as a sharp pain was sent throughout my body. I held my head as I sat upright on the bed.
"You should take it easy for a while." I felt warm hands ease me back down onto my bed and I opened my eyes to meet JYP's.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled to him. My throat was so sore and I coughed which only made the itching feeling worse.
"You have nothing to apologize for. It's human for a person to get sick. I just wished that you would have told us sooner that you weren't feeling well," he told me calmly. JYP was like a father to me, he cared about everybody's health and looks out for all his idols.
"What did the doctor say?" I asked not knowing if they called one or not.
"You have a very high fever. And with all the practicing you've been doing, you collapsed from exhaustion. I'm going to let you rest for the week and then we'll see how you feel after that." he told me with a small smile. I knew not to challenge JYP. He was the boss. What he said goes, and even if I wanted to go to practices, he would barge into the room and tie me to the bed if that is what it took. I nodded my head in response to him and he patted my head before walking out with Keerati right behind him. MinJi sat on my bed and stared down at me.
"You really should have told us what was happening," she softly scolded me.
"I know, but we were so close to our comeback and I didn't want to mess it up," I said pulling the blanket close to my face.
"And then what would you have done if this happened while we were on our comeback?" She was upset I could tell. MK2 was more like a sisterhood then a kpop group. We cared about it each other and we get along so well. We have our fights every now and then, but at the end of the day we can always trust each other. From the first day we met we got along with each other and became friends instantly. I guess that is why we were chosen to be in a group together, because we have great chemistry with each other.
"I'm sorry. I just really wanted to get it all perfected." I admitted.
"We could have gotten it perfected AFTER you feel better," MinJi fussed raising her voice a bit. After that Keerati walked back into the room. She stared down at the two of us and waited a little while before giving us the news.
"JYP says, me and MinJi will go to practice for the week while Kagami rests," Keerati told us. Even though she was the youngest, she always knew when to step up and be a good leader for her members. "That's means we are going to have to find someone who can watch you while we're gone."
"I can stay here by myself. I don't need a sitter," I croaked out of my sore throat.
"We can't leave you here alone. You need to stay in bed and rest so you're going to have to put up with a sitter, Ok?" She made it sound more like a fact than a question. I shrunk back into my bed and nodded my head in reply.
"I'll start calling some people. You try to get some sleep," she told me one last time before leaving. MinJi wasn't long after her, taking my phone with her so I couldn't text anyone. I cuddled up in bed and let the warmth of my blankets put me to sleep.
"Is Kagami Ok?" I was woken up by a frantic voice. I heard shushes afterwards and then the room went silent. I decided to get up and check who was here. I slowly lifted myself from the bed not realizing how hot I was at the time. I opened my door and headed straight for the living room seeing Kira, Minnie, and someone who I couldn't believe was here. Ken. My mouth dropped in shock.
"How could you call Ken to take care of me?" I said exasperated. Ken and I had been close friends since MK2 debuted. Both our groups loved to hang out with each other and a few of us had crushes on the other groups members.
"Kagami, you should be in bed," Minnie fussed me. Before I could say anything, I felt my feet leave the ground as Ken held me in his arms.
"You need to rest," Ken scolded me as he brought me back to my room. The two girls followed behind him and when we got to my room he put me down on my bed.