As I walk to ward the door, my long platmiun hair covers my shoulders and goes down to the bottom of my breasts. I get to the door and lightly open it.
"Can I have my cloths?" I ask holding out my hands for someone to hand them to me. I hear bones shifting and cracking and a sigh. I feel the soft matieal of my cloths brush my fingers and then are in the palm. I pull my hand towards me and shut the door.
I pull on my underwear and leggings, sports bra, and an old band T-shirt. I pull the old door open and see Jon already changed and back into his jeans and shirt. His short reddish brown hair is messy and his tall and muscular body can be made out from his tight t-shirt.
"You really let your hair grow out didn't Ya?" Jon asks pulling me into a hug and giving me a nugy. I hug him back quickly and then push away.
"Yeah, mom thought it would help me to find a mate." I say picking at my fingers. I can feel the looks that Tiffany and Jon are giving each other and giving me. The pressure is uncomfortable and frustrating. I look up and see Tiffany starring at me with narrow eyes.
"Yeah? And when will you stop letting mom control your life?" She asks with stubborn eyes. Knowing where this is heading, I sigh and shrug. I glance down and my eyes make contact with a nice pair of ankle high sox and my Ugg boots. I quickly side all of them on and make my toward the door. I hear soft foot steps behind me and then turn on my heel.
"Why would you have your wedding here? Aren't you supposed to be long gone from this place?" I ask through gritted teeth. I run my tongue over my ever so slowly sharpening canines as she clears her throat. I hit a soft spot I see. I think to my self as I roll my eyes and push the door open.
"If you wanted to come back and be a "happy" family again. Then you should have done it sooner." On that note, I leave. I don't bother shutting the door, knowing that it'll swing shut on its own.
I make my way toward the West wing of the castle like building. As I need the wood double doors, I smell something odd. Lavender and bleach. The Janitors always use non-oder cleaners because of the Shifters sensitive noses.
I let my nose slowly guide me towards the tree line, but when my foot hits about twenty feet from it, I see a small blonde boy about fourteen, so three years younger then my self, high in the tree doing something. He has a bag and is screwing things into the tree's. What the fuck? I think to my self clearing my throat.
"Uh, Kid! What are you doing up there? You could get hurt!" I say narrowing my eyes at him. He continues to face the tree and work. Anger starts to slowly bite at me form being ignored. "Kid! Are you Def? I said you shouldn't be up there. So get down. Now!" I yell walking closer to the tree. The kid stops his actions and stares at the tree.
"You shouldn't have done that." He simple state standing easily on the thin tree branch. My stomach twisted at the sight of the kid walking backwards on the tree branch. I go to open my mouth, but then I see it. The kid turns his head slowly and I understand his statement.
The boy is known as Ben Drowned. He wears a little green Elf costume and has pointy long ears. He wouldn't look to bad it his eyes weren't leaking bright red blood. But, if he's here that means so is the other one.
My body starts to become hot and sticky as I try to push the shift away, but just like every time, I can't. My body contorts into different shapes and my bones snap. I pull off my cloths as quickly as possible and then, before I realize it. I'm on all four with white foam dripping out of my mouth.
Ben smiles down at me and turns his body to face me. He narrows his already narrow eyes and laughs. It isn't a laugh you would suspect a cold blooded kill would have, it's more of a child that has family problems secretly at home and doesn't know where to put his feelings.
"I think that was the first time I have ever seen one of you change, wait, that's my bad. I meant "shift". It was kinda hot if I may say so my self." Ben says wiggling his eye brows at me. I let out a small growl and take a step back. There's that smell again, Lavender and Bleach. I think as I watch the Elf boy closely.
"What are you doing I want to get this done so we can go back home and play some card games." I hear a new voice say from below Ben. Ben's body stiffens and he realizes what I just have. Jeffery Woods. I think turning my gaze to the rough sounding voice. Standing by the base of the tree, just like I had suspected, a boy about a year older then me stands. His longer black hair frames his face perfectly and his leathery white skin and hoody stand out against the night back round.
"Fuck." He mumbles under his breath as his dark orbs meet my eyes. I narrow my eyes and growl low for a warning. They give me an odd look not knowing what that means.
"She's giving us a warning growl." Ben states blankly as he quickly climbs down the tree. Jeffery throws a dirty glare at the poor Elf boy before growling his own growl.
"I fucking know guinouse! And Little Mutt, what would you like us to do with that warning? Hmm? Should we just turn around and make our way deep into those dark woods? Or do you already have your little friends waiting for us?" He asks crossing his arms and leaning against the tree. Right when his right shoulder makes contact I realize something. The smell. I think to my self all at once.

A Mistaken Action (A Jeff The Killer Fanfic)
FanfictionPain, Darkness, lavender, and a sliver of coldness. My body rejects my acts of sitting up and opining my eyes. I slowly feel myself begin to gather more strength. After what feels like ages, my eyes slowly open. A blinding light hits them hard and I...