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"Connor huh? I like it." Jessica said to him.

"I do too. So, is that a yes or no? I'm not a stranger anymore."

"I'd say that's a yes."

"So are you going to stay here and wait or let me pick you up later?"

"Hmmm, I don't know if I should give you my address just yet either. I mean, I technically just met you and I know nothing about you. Like, what if you are secretly working for someone trying to get all my information and steal my identity or murder me?"

"Jessica, trust me, all I want to do is get to know you. I am harmless, I couldn't even hurt a fly. I might just have to beat someone up once in a while to get all my anger out but only if they deserve it. You feel me?" He laughed.

"I can't tell the difference from being sarcastic or not most of the time and I can't tell if you are being it right now." She looks down. She is ashamed of not being able to tell whether or not someone is being sarcastic or not. She feels so stupid when someone is being sarcastic and she cannot tell so they have to tell her, it's embarrassing.

She suddenly feels two fingers lift her chin up.

"Jess, I'm being sarcastic right now. I don't beat up people when I need to take my anger out. I've never beaten anybody up or gotten in a fight."

"Okay, good. That's not nice."

"Someone just sat down, I'll be back soon." He said before scurrying off.

Jessica sat down on one of the bar stools at the counter you pay at. She watched Connor do his job. She was amazed at how good he can look when he's not even trying. He is just doing his job like everyday and he looks like an angel.

"Alright, I'm back for a little bit."

"Dude, you are so professional. I've never noticed how professional you are."

"Yeah I guess so, I'm just doing my job. I need money." He laughs.

"What do you need money for?" She is very curious about this man and wants to know everything about him. She could talk to him for hours.

"I'm in college. I take it online though."

"Oh, what are you majoring in?"

"I'm majoring in psychology. I want to be a psychiatrist. Do you know what college you're going to go to yet?"

"I'm really in love with New York University. I don't know what I want to do yet though. I'll probably go in undecided honestly."

"You are a senior I'm guessing. Are you seventeen or eighteen?"

"I'm eighteen. What about you?"

"I'm nineteen, almost twenty. I am in my second year of college right now."

"Speaking of second years, I've been coming to this restaurant for two years now and I have never noticed you. When did you start working here?"

"I started working here about four months ago. I just moved here last year and needed a job to pay for college. I saw this place a few times and thought 'I could work here, it seems really nice.'"

"Did you just get your schedule changed or something? This is the first time I've ever seen you out here since you've been working here."

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"Yeah, I did leave before you got here but I was just asked to work more hours because my boss said we had a shortage of workers." He said.

"Oh that sucks."

"It isn't that bad. I get to wake up two hours later and I like working here. It's so peaceful. On my free time, my boss also allows me to work on homework and such."

"That sounds nice. Maybe I should work here."

"That wouldn't be as fun as my job because it would be after school for you. You should work here with me in the summer."

"Oh, you're planning on sticking around me that long, huh?"

"You actually seem really cool, so yeah, I want to stick around that long. I hope you don't mind a little company."

"I don't mind." They both smile at each other.

Jessica talked to Connor for the two hours he still had to work. He had a lot of elders sit down and she couldn't talk to him while he was tending to the people at his tables. She noticed that he was very serious about his work. He never cracked a joke or anything to anyone of his customers. He never got mad at customers either. He did have some complicated customers so she was surprised when he didn't get mad at some of them. He stayed completely calm the whole time he worked.

Jessica and Connor talked about a lot. They learned quite a bit about each other. She felt as though they talked for twenty minutes rather than the actual two hours they did talk for. His shift ended and she was waiting for him to get out of the back room.

"Are you ready yet slowpoke?" She asked him as he came out of the back room.

"Actually, no I'm not. Whoever is supposed to work tonight isn't here yet. The teenagers who work here are so irresponsible and they are always late." He sighed in frustration.

"Wait, woah. There's actually teenagers who work here? I have never seen them here."

"Well, since you come here everyday at lunch, I assume you don't come back for dinner. They all work after school and you, silly, only come during school."

"Oh yeah. I'm just kind of disappointed because I thought old people and I were the only people who came here."

"This seems like a good place for teenagers to hang out. They like it. I've worked a few night shifts and there were a lot more teenagers rather than old people."

The person who was working after school finally arrived and apologized to Connor. Thankfully no one else came in while we were waiting for the boy that goes to Jessica's school.

Connor and Jessica walk out to his car in silence.

"Do you need anything from your car before we go anywhere?"

"No, I think I'm good. After we're done hanging out, can you just drop me off here and I can drive home?"

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan. Do you have an idea of what you want to do?"

"I don't know. I'm cool with anything honestly."

"Okay, remember you said that later on." He says with a smirk.

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