"Thomas!" Yverline called. She was headed to her first class, potions, when she spotted Thomas heading in the same direction.
"Yverline!" Thomas spun around and smiled at the girl running over. "How's hufflepuff?"
"It's amazing. I have to show you our common room sometime, it's awe-some." Yverline slowed down to a walk as they continue on their way.
"That would be great!" Thomas smiled, "oh yeah, Yverline this is Sam," he gestured to the slytherin boy walking beside him. "I met him last night."
Sam had a sad look about him, with black hair and dark eyes, they stood out from his pale skin. He offered a small smile to Yverline.
"Nice to meet you." Yverline shook Sam's hand in front of Thomas.
"Pleasure." He had an Irish accent.
"What class are you headed to?" Thomas asked.
"Potions. You?" Yverline replied.
"Divination." Thomas grimaced. "I'm not too excited for that, i'd rather leave the future in the future." Yverline chuckled.
"What do you have for second period?" She inquired.
"Care of Magical Creatures." Sam spoke for them both.
"Oh hey! I have the same." Yverline smiled, "alright well this door is me, see you later Sam, Thomas!"
The two boys waved goodbye as Yverline slipped inside the dark room.
Instantly Yverline was blasted with an interesting odor. She coughed and covered her nose, walking into a crowd of students who appeared to be observing something.
"This, is Amortentia." Slughorn told his students. "Now, does anyone know what it is?"
A girl in front of Yverline with brown hair raised her hand.
"Yes miss-"
"Pender. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them."
"Really?" Yverline asked, all the faces turned collectively towards her, "it smells foul to me."
"Ah yes, that can happen sometimes. You have yet to desire anything, but once you do it will smell like something." Slughorn explained.
"While Amortentia is a very interesting potion, we will only be studying the basics today." Slughorn capped the steaming cauldron. "Now, find a desk. We will be making a very simple potion today." He walked to the front and waited for his students.
"Ready? Alright let's begin."
*two years later*Yverline left the dungeons behind as she trekked across the vast green field towards the Forbidden Forest.
She couldn't find Thomas or Sam, so she walked alone. But not for very long, as two Ravenclaws decided they would walk with her.
"What are you doing by yourself?" The red head asked.
"Couldn't find my friends." Yverline replied.
"Yeah if she had any." The second one muttered, well within hearing range of Yverline. "Come on Jessie, I want to get to class early so that I can talk to Tom." She whispered in the red heads ear, still within hearing.
"Alright we have to go, hope you find your friends!" The red head and her friend went off into the other direction, giggling about something.
"I highly doubt she has any, she's a hufflepuff!" Yverline spun as the two walked away, seeing them giggling over what the red head had said.
Yverline continued towards the forest, tears threatening to come out of her eyes. She breathed deeply, trying to dislodge the lump in her throat.
"Need a tissue?" A voice asked.
Yverline turned to her left to see a fourth year girl from Gryffindor holding out a tissue. She nodded and took the tissue, using it to wipe her eyes.
"Sorry about that, my sister and her friends are real twits sometimes." The girl smiled.
Yverline smiled back, observing the girl all the while.She had strawberry blonde hair, and opal eyes. A small mouth and a button nose complimented the fact that her hair was lusciously thick and fluffy.
"Are you headed for CMC?" She asked.
"CMC?" Yverline frowned.
"Yes, care of magical creatures." The girl suddenly smacked her forehead, "oh! I can't believe I forgot. I'm Amelia," she blushed, "I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself."
"That's alright. I'm Yverline." Yverline smiled.
"Yverline. It's very strange isn't it? How do you spell it, with the French version?" Amelia asked.
"French." Yverline looked down to the grass.
"Nice. Oohh look, I can see a crowd." Amelia stood on her toes as they walked, now having reached Hagrid's hut. There was a group of students gathered a bit further into the forest, and above their heads was the hairy figure of Hagrid.
"Alrigh' settle down. We've got a few more students comin' then we can star'." He called out over the excited whispers.
Yverline and Amelia slipped around the outside of the group and came to the front, sucking in breaths of awe at what they saw.
A hyppogriff, and a gryffin, standing just a few yards away.

FanfictionBecause I can't find any good fan fics about hufflepuff or slytherin that don't involve Draco in them, I am writing my own about two side characters. Background characters if you will. This is a fan fiction about hufflepuffs and slytherins gettin...