Tamia: This is totally important I don't care where you are answer thus now.
Tamia: If you don't answer right this minute when you get home I'll be there waiting
Ash:Alright, alright already.Can't I ignore one of you people sheesh.
Tamia: I heard that Dorico is in love with Minnie but Chad told me no and that you would know. Can you help me?
Ash:One of course I would know Dorico and I are best buds,Two I am not spilling,Three I'll spill on a few conditions,Four Yes I can help you.
Tamia: Tell me I'll do anything
Ash:Ok quick question, out of all the guys who do you like?
Tamia: That's a very embrassing question. But well...
Ash: Uh-huh
Tamia: YOU!!!!!
Tamia: I know you wouldn't like me in a thousand years so I only told Issy and well sorry!
Ash: Can you come over in 30 minutes? I'll be home by then.
Tamia: Ok, but two conditions you tell me who you like and say if you can help me.
Ash: Oh yh I forgot
Ash: I♡U and I can help you but your wrong Dorico is in love with Issy but Minnie likes him and she is helping them get toghter.
Tamia: Thanks, I'll pm Issy and then I'm coming over so don't rush over and hurt yourself ok
Ash: ok
Tamia: Wait, are you speaking softly to me like Dorico? OMG!!! I am so going to snitch
Ash: Tell whoever except Chad, Issy, the real Tamia and Ivy
Tamia: Who's IVY?
Ash: Noo my ex
Tamia: Oh, maybe I will have a talk with her about you
Ash: Please don't tell her your mind ok she knows my mother
Tamia: Maybe I will if she pisses me off but otherwise no.
Tamia: Oh and I like you don't comment please I'm embrassed enough
Tamia: Ok please comment please
Ash: Is this enough commenting
Ash: For you
Tamia: Yes
Tamia:But bye see ya later, its a date.
Ash:Its a date?

Non-Fictioni got this idea from matilda the author who did "your the one that texted me first"