You walk out into the cold weather hugging yourself tightly as the rest of your group walks around you to the front of the building. Looking around for your boyfriend, you smile when your eyes find his among the huge crowd gathered around the both of you. He grins at you happily before bounding over to you. "Y/N!" Jaeyoon shouts when he finally reaches you, throwing his arm over your shoulder and drawing you closer to him.
"How can you be so excited when it's this cold?" you question. Jaeyoon looks down to you and replies "really jagi? We get to meet our fans together, it's like joining two forces together!". You raise an eyebrow at this before commenting "that's a weird way of putting it but I guess I can see your point...". You look to see fans that came to see both your group and your boyfriends and you can't help but feel the excitement get to you.
Sensing this, Jaeyoon pokes your stomach making you flinch away from him and glare teasingly as he laughs. He goes to say something, probably teasing you, but doesn't get the chance as Youngbin greets the fans and you all turn to face them, all attention going towards them now.
A few minutes pass by as the cold breeze whips your face but you smile squeezing the hot water bottle in your jacket tighter to your body. Jaeyoon looks to you suspiciously as he stands there slightly shivering in the cold as you smile despite the weather. You watch as he slowly makes his way to stand near you, putting your best poker face on you turn to him and say "what's wrong?".
He narrows his eyes at you before slowly saying "why aren't you shivering? aren't you cold?". You just smile innocently at him and pull your arms tighter against yourself, he stares at your movement before placing his hands atop yours. You laugh softly as his eyes widen at the warmth of your hands, his mouth opens and closes struggling to come up with something to say.
"How are you so warm?" Jaeyoon finally asks as he steps closer to you. Checking to see if the others noticed, assured that no one is watching you open your jacket slightly and show Jaeyoon a peek of the hot water bottle stashed inside. He laughs quietly before suddenly hugging you quickly wanting to keep warm too. You laugh and hug him tightly back.
Your best friend turns to look at the two of you and so you smile happily at her as Jaeyoon kisses your cheek. She laughs as your nose scrunches up and then turns back to talk to the fans shaking her head as she does. You and Jaeyoon both turn to each other at the same time smiling massively at your acting skills when you spot a fan in front of the both of you grinning.
You elbow your boyfriend and he turns to look in your direction and so you gesture with your eyes to the fan and he follows. Finally seeing what you did, he holds a finger to his mouth as you wink at her before smiling as she nods happily. However her eyes widen at something next to Jaeyoon and so you quickly turn to see Inseong looking curious as he makes his way over.
"All yours.." you say as Inseong finally steps in front of you two. "What's with the silence over here?" he asks eyeing the two of you. Smiling Jaeyoon says "whaaa... there's nothing going on definitely not... I mean why would there be... just hugging my girlfriend... hi?". You mentally face palm yourself, seeing no way out you say "really Jaeyoon? What was that?".
"I crumble under pressure" he replies pouting cutely at you. Sighing you squeeze him and turn when Inseong starts talking "so what's going on.. for real". Laughing as Jaeyoon avoids Inseongs gaze, you take the lead saying "nothing really, it's just Jaeyoon was trying impress me with this new trick but it was a fail and a fan saw, hence the hush gesture".
Inseong stares at you checking to see if your telling the truth so you keep a happy face up and let out a breathe when he nods his head apparently believing you. Guess you have a career as a actor now.. something to think about for the future. However your thoughts are brought to a standstill when Inseong then smiles victoriously as he asks "can I see the trick?".
Both you and Jaeyoon's eyes widen before you cough nervously and turn to Jaeyoon saying "well Jaeyoon... show him.. you know.. your trick...". Your boyfriend laughs nervously as he scratches the back of his neck and mumbles "righttt my uh trick...".
Inseong crosses his arms as his foot taps on the ground, looking at the two of you. "There's no trick is there?" he asks raising an eyebrow at you two. "Of course there's a trick otherwise why would I tell you that and it not be true" you blurt out before turning to Jaeyoon gesturing to do something or anything.
He suddenly pulls his arms away from you, jerking the hot water bottle out of your grasp. You let out a little scream as it drops out of your hand and drops onto the ground. Everyone turns to the three of you confused besides the few fans who had been watching the whole ordeal take place.
You smile awkwardly at the crowd before jumping away from the two and pointing at Inseong. "OMG! You had a hot water bottle this entire time and you didn't share with any of us... how could you?" you say looking disappointed at him. Jaeyoon seeing what you were doing joins you and says "wow hyung, here we all are shivering and your enjoying the warmth of this.. this hot water bottle" gesturing towards the abandoned hot water bottle.
Inseong stares at the two of you shocked before pointing to you both "oh I am so gonna get the two of you" before he starts chasing you both. Jaeyoon grabs a hold of your hand and takes off running down the crowd of fans as the rest of your groups watch the entertainment. You laugh the whole way around the fans as Inseong continues chasing the both of you.
"I thought I was suppose to be the maknae.." Chani comments watching the three of you run around laughing and screaming. Rowoon pats his shoulder from behind as he says "says the person who bullies his hyungs..".
"Well, yesterday was ..." Jaeyoon says trailing off, not knowing what to say and so you finish his sentence replying "interesting?". Smiling at you he nods, "yeah you could say that", pointing to his phone you say "well so could the hundreds of pictures". The two of you laugh before you lean your head on Jaeyoon's shoulder watching as he continues scrolling through the photos taken yesterday.
---THE END----

SF9 Imagines
FanfictionOneshot imagines featuring you and the boys of SF9. Started 16/10/16.