115 - Hanging Tree

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Y/Ns p.o.v

I held the thick rope tight in my hand as I tied it around the tree. I formed a tight loop at the top and a hole to put my head in.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a strong deep voice asked me.

"What do you think? It's called the hanging tree for a reason..." I said the last part being quietly said. I heard footsteps and a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't." The man said.

"I-" I was cut off by my own tears. I fell into the mans grasp as he held me close.

"Don't do this. You may feel there is no hope but please don't end this yourself." He said. I calmed down and pulled away looking into the mans eyes. They were filled with many different emotions: fear, anger, sympathy and care.

"What's your name?" He asked quietly.

"Y/N." I said wiping my eyes.

"Well Y/N I can tell you, you are too good of a beauty to waste." The man said honestly.

"Why do you want to do this?" He asked.

"I feel so worthless. My life has been nothing but a mess up to this point. And I found out yesterday that my 'boyfriend' was just using me to feel better about himself and didn't really love me. No one cares about me." I said finally spilling my bottled up emotions out that I kept hidden for too long.

"I care about you. I only just met you and I care. Will you please live a little longer for me?" He asked.

"Okay." I untied the rope and the man took it away from me.

"Mark." He said.


"My name is Mark." He said suddenly looking into my eyes and smiling sweetly. He took the rope from my hands.

"I'll take that thanks." He said. We walked around for a while when our meeting came to an end and Mark walked me home.

"I'll come over here to check on you tomorrow. Okay?" I nodded. He smiled and began to walk off,

"Oh and Mark?" I called. He turned around,

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." Little did I know that I would be walking down the isle 6 years later getting married to him.

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