"Wake up Claudette! Wake up!!", Jake said shaking her.
She sat up fast. Heart pounding. Eyes wide open.
"What happened Claudette? You were screaming.", he said worried.
"You were headless!!!!!", she said looking like she seen a ghost.
"Pardon?", he said trying to understand what she meant.
" I saw a tall, skinny, mummy-like figure with a skull for a weapon and it was in the tent and it had your head and-an-a- and it killed me and it's eyes were staring deep into mine an-"
"Claudette, calm down its just a dream, don't worry, that creature or whatever that was won't come back to haunt you."
She was still shaking.
"It's 3:19. We should go back to sleep.", he said.
"Okay. Goodnight"
"Night."Morning reached. Claudette woke up. Jake was not in the tent. She smelled something yummy.
She walked out and saw Jake up and cooking.
"Mornin' Sleeping Beauty.", he said with a chuckle.
"Claudette was stretching,
"Haha, funny. What's cooking?", she said.
" I saw a huge nest up in the tree so I climbed it. I saw 5 huge eggs so I took 3. Look!"
He showed Claudette the 2 other eggs waiting to be cooked.
"Wait. Remember we were studying birds in biology class?", she said.
"Yeah. Why?", he said.
"Well how was I sup-"
Suddenly a loud screech from a bird came in.
Their eyes were wide open.
"RUNNN!", yelled Jake
They sprinted into the tent.
"Your a dumbass..", she said.
"I know.", he said grinning.After breakfast they went searching for a bit.
Claudette was searching the bushes for some stuff then, something caught her eye. It was a piece of blue cloth that had a letter "T" on it.
"Jakeeee!", she yelled.
"What is it?"
"I found a piece of Meg's shirt!", she exclaimed.
"How do you know it's hers ?"
"She's my best friend, and this is her favorite shirt."
"Oh. Then we are getting a little closer."
Then all suddenly there was a loud "BANG!"
They jumped.
"What was that?!", Claudette said freaking out.
"I don't know but let's check it out.", saying while walking in the direction the sound came from.

Death is not an escape
HorrorFour High-school students suddenly disappeared in to the forest, never to been seen again. No signs no tracks- nothing. Only to know "Death is not an escape" 3 killers also on the loose. Kidnaping and torturing. Will they make it out alive- or eithe...