Yuri's POV
I woke up with a pounding headache. I had no memory of what happened last night before the closet. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. 1:30 pm. Damnit. I noticed that next to my alarm clock was a glass of water and some Tylenol. Thank god. I took the pill and drank the whole glass of water, praying for it to work. I knew it wasn't going to work instantly, but I just wanted to get rid of this fucking headache as soon as possible. I decided to pass the time by checking my phone.
Victor (1)
heyyyyy yuuuuuri! You may not remember, but you got hella drunk last night, so I brought u home and Mari took ya, but I hope u feel better ! xoxo victor
That explains the migraine. What was I drinking? I can't remember anything. I put my phone back on my nightstand and rolled back to the center of my bed. I stared at the ceiling fan spinning slowly.
"Yuri!" I was in a trance when Mari screamed.
"God! What do you want?" I groaned and sat up.
"Do ya want brekkie?" She grinned.
"What the fuck is brekkie," I rubbed my eyes.
"Jesus Yuri, calm yourself," Mari walked over to my window and yanked open the shades, causing me to roll over and bury my face in my pillow. "And it's breakfast, you uncultured swine,"
"Then yes I want 'brekkie'." I sighed.
"Okay!" Mari ran away.
I sighed again and held my head.
I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while, and I'm also really sorry this chapter is very fucking short (just like xXxTheBookNerdxXx AYYYY LMAO)
anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
that's all for now, bye!