.chapter i.

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The crowd scurried along as Y/N followed the guards into town. Her eyes scanned faces, a familiar raven haired boy running up to her with sheer surprise. The man next to him seemed pleased, a small smile staining his lips. Merlin's friend bowed, brown hair falling into his chocolate brown eyes as Merlin hugged her. Y/N froze, entranced by this man, dressed in chainmail and red cloth. She quickly snapped her focus back to Merlin's voice, apologizing before bowing in return, her red dress scrunching in the dirt.

Suddenly a proud figure came up behind her brother, sliding a finger to his lips before sending a grin towards Merlin's friend. Merlin was oblivious to the man behind him, continuing his talk about the castle and the prat he calls a king.

Soon enough, Merlin turned around and the big man's voice echoed throughout the pathway as he grasped Merlin's shoulders. Merlin screamed, smacking the man's bicep before snatching his sister's hand and dragging her away from his friends. The smaller man waved goodbye, followed by the larger one. Y/N waved back, letting Merlin pull her to his home.

The villagers greeted her as Merlin continued to lead her towards Gaius's cottage, a flower given as a gift to her by the florist.

"You're really charming the townspeople aren't you?" Merlin teased, giving Y/N a shove.

"Hey, it's just part of my charm." She said with a wink. "No one can resist the face."

"Well you're right about one thing."

"Awe thank you, I'm absolutely charmed."

Merlin grinned, pointing his finger in her face. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, my praise is not free."

"Oh so I have to pay for praise now?"

"Yep, a delicious beef stew would make a wonderful gift."

"Since when do you like my cooking?"

He cocked his head. "Since now."

Once they arrived, Merlin pushed her through the door, snatching the basket of gifts away from Y/N's hands and slamming it on the counter.

"Merlin, what on earth-?" An old man groaned, stopping short at the sight of Merlin and a girl. "Merlin, at least wait until I leave, don't make a mess."

Merlin's eyes went wide, a chuckle escaping Y/N's lips before Merlin burst out in defense. "No! Gaius this isn't- I would never! Gaius this is my sister!" Gaius feigned surprise, clapping Merlin on the shoulder before walking towards the boy's sister. He took her hand and bowed, receiving a curtsy from Y/N in return.

"Merlin I was only kidding, I received a letter about her staying here from your mother many weeks ago."

"How come everyone knows about her arrival but me?" Merlin puckered, sinking into a nearby chair.

"It's called a surprise, Merlin. Only a few people are supposed to know so that I could surprise you."

Gaius sighed and walked to the door, grabbing a pack from the table and slinging it over his shoulder.    "Well, I must be off, the knights think Gwaine has gone crazy. He claims he's seen an angel." He nodded towards Merlin, then Y/N. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N."

"The pleasure was all mine." And with another bow, he was gone.

Merlin groaned, standing and stretching before showing Y/N to her room. Her jaw dropped as her brother dragged her towards her bedroom. The walls were covered in beautiful art, windows almost everywhere. A balcony lead to big glass doors, giving a full view of the village. Y/N dropped her pack on the bed, sitting down and running her hand across the sheets.

"I asked Gwen if she would make the bed sheets in your favorite color. She agreed, bringing me these wonderful things in less than six days." He smirked as Y/N laid her head on his shoulder. "I can't wait for you to meet her, you will become the best of friends."

"When will I be able to meet her?" Y/N asked, removing her head from Merlin's shoulder. She began unpacking her things as he filled her in.

"Tomorrow morning actually, she will be showing you around the castle. Tomorrow night is when the knights and the King will have their dinner in the dining hall. Arthur was kind enough to invite us both." He paused, Y/N laughing as he rolled his eyes. "He and the knights are delighted to get to know you."

After she finished with her clothes, she started on personal things, trinkets of all sorts. She quickly excused herself and went to grab the basket on the table, coming back with more of her belongings.

"Were the men I met earlier knights?" She asked, setting her rose in a jar along with some water.

"Yes they are, the bigger one was Percival. He's as big as his heart, trust me, there's no need to fear him. The smaller one was Gwaine, the one Gaius had to go "treat" due to him seeing an "angel", which in my opinion, was you." Her face flushed, a knight had thought of her as an angel, that's new.

Y/N sorted through her bag, pulling out her swords and daggers. Merlin snatched a sword from the pile, his eyes gliding over the newly sharpened and polished metal.

"You still use these things huh?"

"Always have and always will."

"Do you still use your magic?"

Y/N stopped, taking a breath before turning towards her brother. "Not as much as you probably do." Merlin grinned, eyes bright. "And shut up, these walls are probably a lot thinner than you think they are."

A scoff escaped his lips, pulling her into a hug before whispering, "Annen."



So that was chapter one! Hope you liked the chapter! If you did, drop some comments and votes (it gives me inspiration and motivation to write more chapters;). Also, click the follow button, I always like new friends!


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